Thanks to the efforts of David Cano, one of our long time players, the MFL will be doing some fund raising for the Quebec Cancer Foundation and we'd like as many of our teams as possible to represent us!
The donations will be done by team (someone on your team will need to setup the team for donations on the website - instructions will follow) and we'll be running the fundraiser until November 11th (the end of the fall season).
The team that has the most money donated will get a $300 discount on their next season!
Here's all the information you should need from David, but please ask if you have any questions:
The MFL scores against cancer - MFL on marque contre le cancer
Our flag football league will participate in a fundraiser activity for the Quebec Cancer Foundation.
It is super easy to participate, it is completely on-line (with credit card) and donations of at least 20$ are tax deductibles.
On the field, we like to compete. Well, let's compete for a good cause. Which will be MFL team collecting more money?
Every team has to create a profile on the event page and start promoting it with players, family and friends.
To create a profile, the teams captains should:
1- Go to…/accueil
2- Click on PARTICIPER (participate).
3- Set a money goal for the team.
4- Create an account with email and password, name, picture, etc.
5- To activate the account, you need to make a first donation of at least 10$
Tip: In order to get the tax receipt of the first donation with your name on it, you can create the account with your personal name . Once you've got the receipt by email, you can go to change your profile and put the name of your team as well as the logo.
6- Start promoting your team with all the people you know.
To make donations and support one of teams, anybody should:
1- Go to…/accueil
2- Choose the team you want to support and click on PARRAINER CE PARTICIPANT (sponsor this participant)
3- Specify the amount of your donation
4- Complete your personal information to get a TAX RECEIPT.
5- Pay with credit card.
If somebody wants to donate to the activity, but not to any specific team, just click on FAIRE UN DON (make a donation) and follow the steps 3 to 5 here above.
And thanks a lot for contributing.