Predictions and Power Rankings Week 12

Predictions and Power Rankings Week 12



Well, it’s that time of the year when your team wins and you move onto the finals. With that being said, last week we had tons of lower seeds winning and advancing. This is the week that you need to show up, unless you want your season to end and start your vacation early. Last week I went 11-3 and this week I plan on getting them all right. Now for this week’s winners and, like always, my picks are in bold.


Division 1


Outlaws vs A-Team


Division 2


Top Shooters vs KOLB


Division 3


Villains vs Bines

Tigres vs Sooners


Division 4


Tropic Thunder vs Drama Club 

Bouchers vs Sour Peeps


Division 5


Binettes vs Slot Machines 

Slicks vs Nothing But D




Tigres vs Drama Queens

Crazy B’s vs Déesses du Drapeau


That is who I have winning and advancing to the finals next week.




Last week I “the 1993 Super Mario Bros movie’d” up by missing 1 player that should have made my team and I also added 1 player that shouldn’t have been there since they play in a higher division.

With that being said, I have removed Jason McAleer as the middle and replaced him with Nico Poitevin.

The other person I have to remove will definitely lose his “1994’s Double Dragon movie” when he finds out. That player would be none other than Kris Hope, who I had as a safety, but was told he played in D1 as well, so Kris was replaced by Justin Salonga as the second safety for D3. Sorry for the mistake guys, but with so many players on multiple teams its bound to happen.


Final Thoughts


With the spring season winding down and the fall season about to start in a few weeks, its time to start planning your fall team. For the fall season we have lowered some of the division caps and this will create more parity amongst teams.

For the first time ever, we had a women’s division and we are looking to grow it so we can make divisions and get parity in there as well. I wonder if and or when the MFL will try a co-ed division where it would be 3 women minimum on the field at one time (ed’s note: you gotta let this go, Kousaie!). I think a co-ed division helps grow the women’s division as well. That’s just my feeling towards it and not the rest of the league.

Last, but not least, please remember we are playing a game for fun, so go out and enjoy yourself and don’t kill anyone.

Thanks for reading and see you on Saturday.

Word from the Mouth: The First of the Worst! edition

Word from the Mouth: The First of the Worst! edition

What a weekend for Playoffs! Weather was great, a bit windy, but for the people who are at the field all day, I mean me, it was nice. We had loads of games that came right down to the end and even a few surprises.

My plan was to take Friday off and play NCAA all day and night, but I had to work and stupid Nick (ed’s note: famously the second worst of the Kousaie’s) was playing it all day and into the night. I then needed to wait until Sunday when my significant other spends the day with her other man and 1 of her 6 kids to get on the game (ed’s note: we’ve entered into a place I dare not tread). 

I faced a tougher choice in the game with what team to go with than going for 2 on the last play to win the game and advance to the next round.

After a long sweltering day at Brossard, I was able to get 2 games in going 2-0 with the Ragging (ed’s note: leaving it in!) Cajuns from Louisiana. I would have rather been 0-2 in the game and 2-0 on the weekend, but sometimes the refs just screw you and that’s not necessarily the case here (ed’s note: I feel like we are witnessing a complete mental break). I know everyone always blames the refs for their mistakes, so I figured its time I do the same.

No, really, the refs do the best they can. Were not professionals and even if we were, they make mistakes as well and get to have replay to help them make their calls and we don’t.


Playoff Recaps


Division 3


Phoenix vs Bines (19-20)

This was a game of missed opportunities for Phoenix and the start of what should have been a long playoff run. Phoenix started with the ball being the lower seed and it didn’t take long for Alec to beat them deep down the sideline for a 27-yard TD on fourth down. JF then found Thomas wide open down the middle of the field for a 32-yard TD to tie it up. After the game starting with fireworks it cooled off and both teams defense settled in. Bines grabbed a 7-point lead when JF found Mathieu for the 7-yard TD and the 1-point convert. With time left in the half Phoenix was able to get the ball all the way down to the 1-yard line before a penalty pushed them back and they weren’t able to score before the half expired. At half, Bines were up 13-6. Second half was controlled by Phoenix as their defense stepped up and got the ball back for the offense. With 3 minutes left, Phoenix scored to make it 19-13 when Nick scored his second TD of the game, but the bigger and more important play was the out from JF in the slot that pushed the defender off the goal line and allowed him to make his break and have green grass all around him. This put Phoenix up 6. With the game on the line and it being fourth down and 4, JF hit Simon on a quick slant to gain 5 yards and a first down. Bines scored on a 13 yard play to Mathieu, but failed on the convert and this left 24 second and we went to OT. In OT Phoenix started on offense, failed, then Bines failed before Thomas came down with what was the winner. Phoenix went for 2 and the win, and on the play it looked as if Josh was going to come down with the ball, but a little bump forced the ball a little loose and his momentum forced him out of bounds. Game over, Bines moved on to round 2.


Division 4


Bandits vs Sour Peeps (12-18)

Jocelyn was out this week for Sour Peeps and Tristan Bigonesse filled in. Bandits started with the ball and it didn’t take long for Lambert to make an impact as he got a sack and this forced a punt. Tristan came out early to warm up and looked good throwing the ball against no defenders, but now that there was a defense, on his first pass Emmanuel picked it off and scored giving Bandits a 6-0 lead. It took Tristan 2 drives before he was able to get those points back and he did it when he saw Simon streaking down the sidelines for a 26-yard TD. We head to half with it being 6 all. In the second half Lambert started to rack up the sacks, totaling 5 in the game, but also preventing any passes in the middle and only allowing time for short passes. Sour Peeps opened the second half with 2 long drives capped off with Benji scoring on both drives. With 11 minutes left and being up 2 scores, Sour Peeps played defense and made Bandits work for every inch. Yes, Bandits did score to make it a 1 score game, but they didn’t have enough time to get the ball back.


Bouchers vs 100 Genies (37-27)

Before this game started, I was hoping to play Bouchers because of the matchups, but once I saw what 100 Genies were doing and who they had I was really hoping to play them. For example, how do you have the top rusher in the division and have him start on the bench when you’re on defense? Then on offense most passes were deep when the wind was taking all the balls out of bounds. Baby Maynard had a great game with 9 catches, 100 yards, and 2 TDs and Felix also made big plays getting 2 picks on defense. The score was 25-13 at half for Bouchers and they looked to be running away with it, then the second half started, and 100 Genies got rolling. They scored on their first 2 possessions of the second half to go up 27-25. The way the game was going you figured that Bouchers were finished. Well they responded quickly to being down to score and go up 31-27. Gabriel tried to get it back for Genies, but 3 straight incompletes forced a punt and gave Bouchers the ball with little clock left in the game.


Bouchers vs Phoenix (19-18)

I wont talk long about what happened in this game because Bouchers did what no one ever expected them to do and that was control the clock and keep the ball away from Phoenix. Phoenix had issued all day with timing and that caused a bunch of issues on offense. Phoenix also came in with the number 1 defense and yes, they only gave up 19 points, but they weren’t able to get off the field. Baby Maynard had 9 catches for 55 yards and Felix had 6 catches for 50 yards and 2 TDs. Bouchers came out with a plan of spreading the ball and by doing this it prevented Phoenix from keying in on certain players and taking them out of the game. Late in the game Phoenix drove down to score on the last play of the game to set up a game winning convert. On the convert I threw a corner to Nick, but it was a bit too far for Nicks out reached arms and even with his diving effort he still couldn’t bring it in for the win.


Division 5


Titans vs Slot Machines (12-41)

Even without their starting QB Slot Machine put up 41 points. This was a close game in the first half as Robert was able to find holes in the Slot Machines defense and score 2 first half TDs. With the first half being a 13-12 score for Slot Machines, the second half is where the game got away from Titans. Robert allowed Marie-Ève Beaucher to take over the game as a rusher. She sacked him 6 times, all because he wanted to hold the ball and look for the big plays. The game was close and might have stayed that way, but Titans changed the plan and cost them any shot at moving onto round 2.




Mockingjays vs Crazy B’s (12-19)

Zuzana Sichova, this woman tried to carry her team into round 2, but fell a bit short. I say she tried because she did a bit of everything for Mockingjays. Not only is she their QB, but she is also their leader on defense racking up 9 tackles, 1 sack, and 1 pick which she scored on. The one thing I did notice is the Crazy B’s have the height to win every jump ball with Anna-Belle Paquin Martinez who scored both offensive TDs for Crazy B’s. Both teams had subs in this game Roxane on Crazy B’s and Kayla on Mockingjays. Kayla looks like she won the sub matchup grabbing 7 balls for 45 yards  and a pick, except Roxanne had a pick as well and she scored on hers and that was the difference in the game.


That’s all I have for this week in way of recaps. You can look for Terry and Willie on MFL total Access on Wednesday, I want to say morning, but it could be in the afternoon.


Studs & Duds


Its playoffs so that means you better have won your game or games, because I’m not putting any losers up here even if you did ball the Rainbow Brite out and put-up crazy numbers. Its playoffs and its all about moving on. Now let’s see who I ended up picking for round 1 of the playoffs.




Division 3

- Michael Tola Denis 5 sacks.


Division 4

- Lambert Paquette 9 sacks in 2 games and how many PDs.


Division 5

- Marie-Ève Beaucher 6 sacks on her first day ever as a rusher.



- Anna-Belle Paquin Martinez 2 catches 2 TDs.




Division 3

- Red Cats defense for giving this up to Mike Jasenovic 6 catches 74 yards and 1 TD.


Division 4

- Mimosa Crew for going on vacation and not having a complete team. The players that did show up, you put up a great fight.


Division 5

- JF 5 picks thrown.



- Zuzana Sichova too many passes inside when the WR were left all alone.


Those are you round 1 winners and losers. 

Predictions and Power Rankings Week 11

Predictions and Power Rankings Week 11



For this season not only did I make the Coin quit at the halfway point (ed’s note: Kevin’s greatest achievement to date! Shots fired, Nick!), but because everyone didn’t put their picks in a I also won the Media survivor pool.

Before I get to this week’s picks, let me tell you I went 20-7 last week. I know it’s not perfect, but I’ll take it. Now to see who I have picked for the playoffs round 1 and like always my picks are in bold.


Division 3


Villains vs Double Dippers

Phoenix vs Bines NA

Tigres vs Horde

Sooners vs Red Cats


Division 4

Villains vs CIA

Bandits vs Sour Peeps

Mustard Tigers vs Tropic Thunder

Mimosa Crew vs Action Squad

Bouchers vs 100 Genies

Hawks vs Bear Hood


Division 5

Titans vs Slot Machines

Secret Agents vs Nothing But D

Soonies vs Slicks

Binettes vs Big Booties



Mockingjays vs Crazy B’s


I won’t pick round 2 for D4 since it is all up in the air at this point. I could also go ahead and give you every possible match up, but that would be really long and Jon would just edit it out. (ed’s note: I’m considering editing out that sentence just for a demonstration of power!)


Power Rankings


At this point of the year no one cares where I have you ranked. All that matters is that your team is playing this week with a chance to move on and play next week.




I’m going to tell you what it took to make my teams. For starters, it’s based off the top division you play in unless you play a different position, you can also only make it on 1 side of the ball, and finally it’s all based off stats. For my defense I went with a standard 3-2 base alignment.


Division 1



QB- Simon Blais

WR 1- Ashton Thibault

Slot 1- Marvin Steinberg

Center- Devin Daoust

Slot 2- Andrew Grant

WR 2- Gabriel Boucher



Rusher- Chris Uzelac

CB 1- James Colley

Middle- Dilan Daoust

CB 2- Jeremy Rooney

Safety 1- William Power

Safety 2- Manuel Allard-Roy


Division 2



QB- Jonathan Plourde



Rusher- Zachary Lemaire 


Because D1 and D2 have almost all the same players in them I decided that I’d only do the 2 positions that my picks didn’t play in D1 as well.


Division 3



QB- Simon Valiquette

WR 1- David St Jean

Slot 1- Joshua Hernández

Center- Oliver Quinn

Slot 2- Thomas Cote-Parent

WR 2- Mason Miller



Rusher- Xavi Borbolla

CB 1- Cesar Garcia

Middle- Jason McAleer

CB 2- Jean-François Lawrence

Safety 1- Guillaume Renaud-Dumoulin

Safety 2- Kris Hope


Division 4



QB- Louis Vranderick

WR 1- Eliott Bourque

Slot 1- Thomas Znoj

Center- Michael Halevy

Slot 2- Antoine Bussieres

WR 2- Louis Britton



Rusher- Othmane Karamat

CB 1- Thibault Varin

Middle- Gary McMahon

CB 2- Jose Milien

Safety 1- Jonathan Cloutier

Safety 2- Gabriel Mercier


Division 5



QB- Giovanni Antonacci

WR 1- Marcel Jovani

Slot 1- Hugo Stien

Center- Perry Njie

Slot 2- Yavar Ashrafi

WR 2- Austin McMahon



Rusher- David Castro Arellano

CB 1- Frederick Tobin

Middle- Marie Nielsen

CB 2- Scott Fulton

Safety 1- Kyle Martel

Safety 2- Eric Namts





QB- Viviane Plourde

WR 1- Daphné Maurais

Slot 1- Tabitha Thomas

Center- Charlotte St-Pierre

Slot 2- Sabrina Renaud

WR 2- Saory Judith



Rusher- Rochelle Bethelmy

CB 1- Daniela Gomez

Middle- Zuzana Sichova

CB 2- Emma Sinclair

Safety 1- Élisabeth Pelland

Safety 2- Sabrina Renaud


Those are my spring 2024 All-Stars. I know most of you feel you’re stars, but if you didn’t see your name up here you might be lying to yourself and that’s not a good thing. Or better yet, take the Cowboys approach and remember next season is your season.


Final Thoughts


If you don’t know what’s happening Friday, then where have you been these last few weeks? This will be the first time since the MFL started that NCAA football is coming out and boy I can’t wait. I’m rebuilding the PAC12 and making it an elite conference, think SEC but only better. I know what conference I’m going with I just have to pick a team. I’m thinking to do the unspeakable and start my career at Vanderbilt and win the SEC year 1. I have also though about winning the Heisman with a kid that goes to Wisconsin and played Bantam and Midget with Nick. I know they very rarely give it to a defensive player, but I’m going to lead the nation with double digit picks and might add a few sacks just to pad those stats. (ed’s note: this is important information, people!)

There is a chance I’m exhausted on Saturday, but one thing you can count on is that I make sure everything is done and on time. Please check the schedule and make sure you know what time your games are at and this week all the games are being played at Le Ber.

Last thing before I let you go, even though we are in the playoffs, take it easy as we are playing a game so have fun.

Word from the Mouth: 28-3 Defeats Phoenix! edition

Word from the Mouth: 28-3 Defeats Phoenix! edition

The final whistle of the season has been blown and now we get to see some playoff football.

After weeks of playing at Darcy McGee and Arthur Therrien, we get to go back to our old stomping ground over at Le Ber and no one is happier than Willie. Yup, Willie will be eating pizza all day to make up for those lost weeks.

Its been torture the last few weeks with the gosh darned heat and this weekend doesn’t seem to be much better, but it is only Monday and this turkey weather will change between now and then. I’m so burnt out from this heat, I can’t even put words to screen at this point, so Ill just jump into my recap for the week, which is just a rundown of D4 since that’s where I spent most of my day.






Missed the 1 game being played.


Division 2


Missed out once again on a few exciting games.


Division 3


Phoenix vs Bines (13-39)

Ok, let me start by pointing out this was the last game of the day and we knew what needed to be done to get what we wanted in the playoffs. This game started with Bines scoring with ease from 33 yards out by David. Phoenix responded with a 31 yards TD to Justin with big scores from both teams, it looked like we might get a shootout. With their next drive, JF decided to show he could work the field and ate 7:30 off the clock while running 11 plays to score again. This is where I made a boo boo and cost Phoenix the game. To open the drive, I ran a play (ed’s note: bold strategy!) and on second down I thought the same route combination was going to be open on the other side, but it wasn’t. Albert and Simon switched what they were doing and because I stared the play down, it made an easy pick for Albert that he thought he was scoring on, but he got flagged on the 1. After Bines scored to make it a 20-7 game, I was thinking its OK we will go down score and get the ball to start the second half. That was all true except I left 27 seconds on the clock, which was enough time for Bines to score and put Phoenix over the 21 points so they could move up the rankings. At this point, the score was 27-13 Bines and with the second half underway I was trying different things, knowing it wouldn’t have any influence on the standings unless we gave up 58 points. Second half was a wash and didn’t matter for either team. (ed’s note: classic loser talk)


Division 4


Phoenix vs 28-3 (18-19)

This game was a shame as Phoenix had nothing to play for except beer that Nico pushed back until next season. Everyone knew nothing was on the line for us and when we went down and scored on our opening drive, in my head I was like this is easy and then 28-3 started to move the ball and make a few plays and before I knew it, they held a 19-6 lead with under 16 minutes left. After trading picks, Phoenix got back on track and scored on a 7 yard catch and run from Dave to cut the lead. Phoenix then forced a punt to get the ball back with under 8 minutes. This was a complete Vince drive, knowing I needed to get down and score but have time if we didn’t get the convert to get ball back. Vince scored his second TD of the game with 3:17 left. Time to play defense and get a stop to have a chance at it. When Nico ran for 7 yards to start the drive, it was a matter of letting clock run and allowing a first down on the next play then hope for a stop and use timeouts. That’s what we did, and we were able to get the ball back, but on the last play of the game Nico knocked the ball out of the air to get the win for 28-3.


Improbables vs Bandits (13-32)

Winner gets into playoffs and loser gets to stay home on Saturday and play NCAA 25 all day. Emmanuel put up a nice stat line going 13 of 19 for 129 yards with 3 TDs and 1 pick. What really helped Bandits win was their defense, Julian had 2 sacks and Franky and JP combined for 3 picks with each returning 1 for a TD. It also helped that they were able to double dip, meaning score before half and score to start the second half as well. This made the score 20-7 Bandits. As for Improbables, they didn’t go down without a fight. Mat did what he could and had it not been for those pick 6s the game was close. The game started to change in favor of Improbables when Nico started to rush for them. He got there fast with his hands up and ready to rack up a few sacks, two to be exact.


Drama Club vs FAD (27-24)

FAD has a new QB in Tristan who other than his 1 pick that Simon had and scored on was able to pick apart this Drama Club defense like it was government cheese (ed’s note: I have no idea what this means) as he completed 14 of 27 passes for 162 yards and 4 TDs to 1 pick. Ok, what makes it even worse for Drama Club was all the damage was done by Andre who scored 4 TDs and had 126 yards. An experienced team shouldn’t allow this. When it comes to Drama Club offensively they didn’t look great dropping a few key balls and not taking advantage when they should. What really worked for them, and it might be because FAD doesn’t have enough experience, but Simon was able to run at will and most of the times he ran there was green grass in front of him. I’ll tell you now that if FAD had more experience and knew what to do in key situations, they might have won this game.


Bouchers vs 100 Genies (19-32)

Felix had a monster game this week hauling in 13 passes for 80 yards along with 2 TDs and 1 1-point convert to go with his 3 tackles and 1 pick on defense. Gabriel Mercier was a beast once again throwing 5 TDs, running with power looking to truck a few defenders on his way to gaining 48yards on 5 carries, he also had 1 pick on defense. What makes Gabriel so dangerous is his arm as he can throw it 45 yards on a rope while running and you might think that he can only go deep, well when he goes short the ball is normally on target, its just a matter of if his players catch it or not. I don’t remember this, but the stats don’t lie, Clara had 2 picks on defense. Othmane is a force you need to be worried about on both sides of the ball. He collects sacks as if they were cans on the street. This week he was held to none, but made his presence felt scoring a 45-yard bomb to make it a 25-12 game with under 2 in the half. Lukas was able to march the 45 yards to score to make it a 6-point game for 100 Genies at half. Second half was boring no big plays and the only score was Kim from 6 yards out.


Mustard Tigers vs Warriors (30-12)

Let me start by giving a big shout out to Scott who turned 112 last week and looked good. Not only did Brian want to get him involved in the game, he was thinking he might get him his first ever TD. Well Brian ruined it and got Scott 2 TDs and from what Elliot was telling me, Scott hasn’t shut up about his impressive performance and its been 3 days since its happened. Look, at the end of the day Warriors made this a game in the first half because of their defense scoring twice on picks. Then in the second half they made a change at QB, and the backup ended up throwing 4 picks and kept giving Brain and his team a short field. Best play of the game had to be the pick by Olivier who as the rusher picked the quick slant off and was able to walk in for the score since we all know Brian isn’t chasing anyone down. Next season if Warriors come back, they need to pick who will be QB and leave it like that because switching in game doesn’t help anyone out.


Division 5


Missed out once again on a few exciting games.




Missed out once again on a few exciting games.


Sorry about missing so many divisions this week. I was passed around so much in D4 this week that I now know (ed’s note: the rest of this sentence is redacted)


Studs & Duds


If you were expecting to see your name on my list this week you better have done something remarkable and stood out from the rest of the players. That or you can take the Hope route and just have senior moment and forget what you are doing temporarily. Yes, Kris, I’m calling you old. Now to see who made my list.




Division 1

- Alexis Ferrand 8 catches 85 yards, 1 TD, he made 2 tackles and had 2 picks on defense.


Division 2

- Alexandre Vallières 4 TDs and 100 yards on 8 catches.


Division 3

- Lucas Coveyduck 4 TDs on 11 catches for 63 yards.


Division 4

- André-Philippe Bertrand 4  TDs, 126 yar

ds and on defense he had 1 sack and 2 picks as well.


Division 5

- Remi Faugere 5 TD passes no picks and over 150 in the air as well.



- Élisabeth Pelland 4 catches 4 TDs, 2 1-point converts with 76 total yards.




Division 1

- Rob White only getting 1 PD and wearing a shirt all day so his fans aren’t happy about that.


Division 2

- Stephen Harripersaud for monkeying up what could have been perfect game and throwing a pick to start the second half.


Division 3

- Kevin Kousaie for throwing 3 picks and not staying focused on this game and not looking towards next week.


Division 4

- (ed’s note: this was blank for some reason, so I will Kevin Kousaie is the D4 dud for leaving this blank)


Division 5

- Sniffers once again with the forfeit for not showing up.



- Drama Club as a team losing 3 straight going into playoffs.


These are the last Studs of the season, but don’t worry, if your team made the playoffs and you ball the Canada goose out you might get to see your name on the list next week. Or you can not show up at all and just phone it in. Either way someone is going to ball out and someone is going to suck balls, who it will be depends on you and your performance. 

Predictions and Power Rankings Week 10

Predictions and Power Rankings Week 10



Now that I am no longer competing against the Coin (ed’s note: the fact that you capitalize its name makes me think Kevin thinks it’s a sentient entity, which should have me more worried than it does) I have moved all my efforts over to the media survivor pool where everyone screwed up and didn’t pick a team last week, except Matt and me. With that happening, I think I win the media picks since they all gave up except Willie who was out weeks ago.

Last week I managed to go 18-10, which isn’t half bad. That means this week is my last chance to get a perfect week, so help me out and like always my picks are in bold.


Division 1


Outlaws vs A-Team

Chiefs vs Iron Wolves


Division 2


Top Shooters vs Pocket Rockets

Respect vs KOLB


Division 3


TDs & Beers vs Red Cats

Villains vs RawSauce

Sooners vs Iron Wolves

Horde vs Thunder Buddies

Double Dippers vs Super Friends

Phoenix vs Bines NA


Division 4


System Urbains vs Sour Peeps

28-3 vs Phoenix NA I don’t pick my games, but I am warning Nico, you better bring the case of 12 when you arrive and none of that light beer crap or you better make it 24 if that’s the case.

Drama Club vs FAD

Improbables vs Bandits

Mimosa Crew vs Warriors

Bouchers vs 100 Genies

Bouchers vs Villains

Mustard Tigers vs Warriors

MTL Cessnas vs CIA Fusion

Hawks vs Bear Hood

Tropic Thunder vs Legendaries

Chiefs vs Action Squad


Division 5


Slot Machines vs Jungle Squad

Nothing But D vs Sniffers

8Ballers vs Secret Agents

Binettes vs 514

Sonnies vs Slicks

Titans vs Big Booties




Déesses du Drapeau vs Drama Queen

Crazy B’s vs Mockingjays


Those are my picks for week 11. You can love them or hate them, all I know is that this is my last chance to get all my picks right, so I’ll need a few of you to take the Master Chiefs approach and think about taking the forfeit to help me out. I don’t know if that’s the case or not, I just had a birdie fly by with this info.


Power Rankings


Last week to see if your team is on my list heading into the playoffs. We had loads of meaningful games and a couple even made me make changes to my rankings.


Division 1

#1- Busch Boys

#2- Outlaws

#3- Iron Wolves


Division 2

#1- Respect

#2- KOLB

#3- Top Shooters


Division 3

#1- Red Cats

#2- Double Dippers

#3- Bines


Division 4



#1- Phoenix

#2- Cia Fusions

#3- Sour Peeps



#1- Drama Club

#2- Hawks

#3- Tropic Thunder


Division 5

#1- Slot Machines

#2- Nothing But D

#3- Slicks



#1- Tigers

#2- Déesses du Drapeau

#3- Drama Queen


That how I have it heading into the last week of play. I can tell you that just because you might be sitting at 1 doesn’t mean that you’re winning it all. You still have to play the games.


Final Thoughts


I grew up in the west (ed’s note: he means the west island. This is “west” to Kevin) and that means having to travel to go downtown and party it up and have a good time. I just need someone to explain why no matter when you go downtown or travel along Deciare is there always gosh darned traffic (ed’s note: it’s called ‘induced demand’. It’s why highways don’t work).

Today (Wednesday) I took my middle child to get her first tattoo and the round trip took 2 hours and 45 minutes, from Saint Jean to Saint Denis. This is root tootin’ ridiculous. (ed’s note: demand better public transportation!) I’m glad I’m old and have a hot chick on my arm and don’t need to go out that way anymore because it sucks big time.

We have made it to the final week of the season and that means you have one week left to help get your team into the playoffs. I want to remind everyone that, yes, it’s the last week and maybe your team really needs that W to make the playoffs, but we are still just playing a game.

So go out have fun and don’t kill anyone, but if you do, you can toss them into the river if you’re at Arthur Therrien or the canal if you’re at Darcy McGee, but we would prefer if you did the right thing and contacted the authorities and let them handle it.

See you all Saturday when my team goes 2-0 and rides high into the playoffs and on their way to a championship or two.

Montreal Flag Football League
Division 1
Division 2
Division 3
Division 4
Division 5
Women's Division
Brossard Div 1
Brossard Div 2
Winter Div 1
Winter Div 2
Winter Div 3
Aces Flag Football