Face Off
995.19 Team overall rating 1025.22
497.01 Team offensive rating 502.67
498.18 Team defensive rating 522.55
38.0 Points per game 0
39.0 Opponents points per game 0
50% Offensive efficiency 57%
17% Conversion rate 33%
0% Defensive efficiency 0%
189 Passing yards per game 232
107 Rushing yards per game 1
4 Defensive interceptions per game 0.8
1 Defensive sacks per game 1.2
Passing Yards
Avery Klimas
Receiving Yards
James Infantino
Jason Edwards
Devin Daoust

Points per half

1st Half 2nd Half OT Total
Pocket Rockets Pocket Rockets 21 15 - 36
Average Joes Average Joes 12 20 - 32
Team Half Time Down Play Score
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 1st 14:57 1 Pierre-Olivier Tremblay-Agelakos pass to Alexis Ferrand for 2 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 0 - 6
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 1st 14:53 - Pierre-Olivier Tremblay-Agelakos pass to Simon Dumas for 5 yards - 1 POINT CONVERT SUCCESSFUL! 0 - 7
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 1st 14:44 1 Ignacio Valdes-Manzanedo pass to Ryan McSweeny for 45 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 6 - 7
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 1st 11:15 1 Pierre-Olivier Tremblay-Agelakos pass to Laurent Foucault for 14 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 6 - 13
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 1st 11:07 - Pierre-Olivier Tremblay-Agelakos pass to Alexis Ferrand for 5 yards - 1 POINT CONVERT SUCCESSFUL! 6 - 14
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 1st 3:24 1 Pierre-Olivier Tremblay-Agelakos pass to Philippe Charpentier for 1 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 6 - 20
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 1st 3:20 - Pierre-Olivier Tremblay-Agelakos pass to Leonidas Aubert for 5 yards - 1 POINT CONVERT SUCCESSFUL! 6 - 21
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 1st 0:13 3 Ignacio Valdes-Manzanedo pass to Avery Klimas for 19 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 12 - 21
Team Half Time Down Play Score
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 2nd 12:33 2 Pierre-Olivier Tremblay-Agelakos pass to Philippe Charpentier for 41 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 12 - 27
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 2nd 12:18 - Pierre-Olivier Tremblay-Agelakos pass to Laurent Foucault for 10 yards - 2 POINT CONVERT SUCCESSFUL! 12 - 29
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 2nd 10:15 1 Ignacio Valdes-Manzanedo pass to Ryan McSweeny for 5 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 18 - 29
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 2nd 5:17 1 Pierre-Olivier Tremblay-Agelakos pass to Alexis Ferrand for 17 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 18 - 35
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 2nd 5:12 - Pierre-Olivier Tremblay-Agelakos pass to Ali Issa for 5 yards - 1 POINT CONVERT SUCCESSFUL! 18 - 36
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 2nd 3:37 3 Ignacio Valdes-Manzanedo pass to Victor Okoro for 21 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 24 - 36
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 2nd 0:00 1 Ignacio Valdes-Manzanedo pass to Ryan McSweeny for 12 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 30 - 36
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 2nd 0:00 - Ignacio Valdes-Manzanedo pass to Nick Egley for 10 yards - 2 POINT CONVERT SUCCESSFUL! 32 - 36

Points per half

1st Half 2nd Half OT Total
Pocket Rockets Pocket Rockets 21 15 - 36
Average Joes Average Joes 12 20 - 32
Team Half Time Down Play Score
Average Joes 1st 21:42 1 Ignacio Valdes-Manzanedo incomplete pass 0 - 0
Average Joes 1st 21:06 2 Ignacio Valdes-Manzanedo pass to Olivier Bernier for 8 yards tackle by Leonidas Aubert 0 - 0
Average Joes 1st 20:25 3 Ignacio Valdes-Manzanedo pass to Olivier Bernier for 12 yards tackle by Alexis Ferrand - FIRST DOWN 0 - 0
Average Joes 1st 20:11 1 Alexis Ferrand: Holding for 1 yards - FIRST DOWN 0 - 0
Average Joes 1st 19:26 1 Nick Egley: False Start for 5 yards 0 - 0
Average Joes 1st 18:44 1 Ignacio Valdes-Manzanedo pass to Ryan McSweeny for 6 yards 0 - 0
Average Joes 1st 17:52 2 Ignacio Valdes-Manzanedo pass INTERCEPTED by Philippe Charpentier 0 - 0
Pocket Rockets 1st 17:35 1 Pierre-Olivier Tremblay-Agelakos pass to Simon Dumas for 6 yards 0 - 0
Pocket Rockets 1st 16:54 2 Pierre-Olivier Tremblay-Agelakos incomplete pass 0 - 0
Pocket Rockets 1st 16:09 3 Pierre-Olivier Tremblay-Agelakos incomplete pass 0 - 0
Pocket Rockets 1st 15:35 4 Pierre-Olivier Tremblay-Agelakos pass to Philippe Charpentier for 5 yards tackle by Victor Okoro - FIRST DOWN 0 - 0
Pocket Rockets 1st 14:57 1 Pierre-Olivier Tremblay-Agelakos pass to Alexis Ferrand for 2 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 0 - 6
Pocket Rockets 1st 14:53 - Pierre-Olivier Tremblay-Agelakos pass to Simon Dumas for 5 yards - 1 POINT CONVERT SUCCESSFUL! 0 - 7
Average Joes 1st 14:44 1 Ignacio Valdes-Manzanedo pass to Ryan McSweeny for 45 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 6 - 7
Average Joes 1st 14:34 - Average Joes - FAILED CONVERT 6 - 7
Pocket Rockets 1st 14:25 1 Pierre-Olivier Tremblay-Agelakos pass to Laurent Foucault for 6 yards tackle by Nick Egley 6 - 7
Pocket Rockets 1st 13:52 2 Pierre-Olivier Tremblay-Agelakos incomplete pass 6 - 7
Pocket Rockets 1st 13:20 3 Pierre-Olivier Tremblay-Agelakos pass to Alexis Ferrand for 8 yards tackle by Olivier Bernier - FIRST DOWN 6 - 7
Pocket Rockets 1st 12:41 1 Pierre-Olivier Tremblay-Agelakos incomplete pass 6 - 7
Pocket Rockets 1st 12:07 2 Pierre-Olivier Tremblay-Agelakos pass to Leonidas Aubert for 16 yards - FIRST DOWN 6 - 7
Pocket Rockets 1st 11:15 1 Pierre-Olivier Tremblay-Agelakos pass to Laurent Foucault for 14 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 6 - 13
Pocket Rockets 1st 11:07 - Pierre-Olivier Tremblay-Agelakos pass to Alexis Ferrand for 5 yards - 1 POINT CONVERT SUCCESSFUL! 6 - 14
Average Joes 1st 11:02 1 Ignacio Valdes-Manzanedo pass to Avery Klimas for 3 yards tackle by Leonidas Aubert 6 - 14
Average Joes 1st 10:06 2 Ignacio Valdes-Manzanedo pass to Stanley Louis for 7 yards tackle by Ali Issa - FIRST DOWN 6 - 14
Average Joes 1st 9:15 1 Ignacio Valdes-Manzanedo pass INTERCEPTED by Alexandre Szalipszki 6 - 14
Pocket Rockets 1st 8:52 1 Pierre-Olivier Tremblay-Agelakos pass to Philippe Charpentier for 8 yards tackle by Nick Egley 6 - 14
Pocket Rockets 1st 8:11 2 Pierre-Olivier Tremblay-Agelakos pass to Laurent Foucault for 14 yards tackle by Ryan McSweeny - FIRST DOWN 6 - 14
Pocket Rockets 1st 7:24 1 Pierre-Olivier Tremblay-Agelakos pass to Laurent Foucault for 1 yards 6 - 14
Pocket Rockets 1st 6:39 2 Pierre-Olivier Tremblay-Agelakos incomplete pass defended by Ryan McSweeny 6 - 14
Pocket Rockets 1st 5:54 3 Pierre-Olivier Tremblay-Agelakos pass to Alexis Ferrand for 15 yards - FIRST DOWN 6 - 14
Pocket Rockets 1st 5:04 1 Pierre-Olivier Tremblay-Agelakos pass to Alexis Ferrand for 6 yards tackle by Olivier Bernier 6 - 14
Pocket Rockets 1st 3:55 2 Avery Klimas: Holding for 1 yards - FIRST DOWN 6 - 14
Pocket Rockets 1st 3:24 1 Pierre-Olivier Tremblay-Agelakos pass to Philippe Charpentier for 1 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 6 - 20
Pocket Rockets 1st 3:20 - Pierre-Olivier Tremblay-Agelakos pass to Leonidas Aubert for 5 yards - 1 POINT CONVERT SUCCESSFUL! 6 - 21
Average Joes 1st 3:15 1 Ignacio Valdes-Manzanedo pass to Geoffrey Vigneault for 3 yards tackle by Leonidas Aubert 6 - 21
Average Joes 1st 2:34 2 Ignacio Valdes-Manzanedo incomplete pass 6 - 21
Average Joes 1st 1:49 3 Ignacio Valdes-Manzanedo pass to Avery Klimas for 14 yards tackle by Alexandre Szalipszki - FIRST DOWN 6 - 21
Average Joes 1st 1:06 1 Ignacio Valdes-Manzanedo pass to Nick Egley for 5 yards tackle by Leonidas Aubert 6 - 21
Average Joes 1st 0:59 2 Ignacio Valdes-Manzanedo pass to Victor Okoro for 3 yards tackle by Alexandre Szalipszki 6 - 21
Average Joes 1st 0:13 3 Ignacio Valdes-Manzanedo pass to Avery Klimas for 19 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 12 - 21
Average Joes 1st 0:13 - Average Joes - FAILED CONVERT 12 - 21
Pocket Rockets 1st 0:08 1 Pierre-Olivier Tremblay-Agelakos pass to Alexis Ferrand for 10 yards - FIRST DOWN 12 - 21
Pocket Rockets 1st 0:00 1 Pierre-Olivier Tremblay-Agelakos run for 7 yards 12 - 21
Pocket Rockets 1st 0:00 2 Pierre-Olivier Tremblay-Agelakos pass to Alexandre Szalipszki for 1 yards 12 - 21
Pocket Rockets 1st 0:00 3 Pierre-Olivier Tremblay-Agelakos run for -6 yards 12 - 21
Pocket Rockets 2nd 21:50 1 Pierre-Olivier Tremblay-Agelakos pass to Laurent Foucault for 1 yards tackle by Geoffrey Vigneault 12 - 21
Pocket Rockets 2nd 21:05 2 Pierre-Olivier Tremblay-Agelakos run for 10 yards tackle by Victor Okoro - FIRST DOWN 12 - 21
Pocket Rockets 2nd 20:22 1 Pierre-Olivier Tremblay-Agelakos incomplete pass 12 - 21
Pocket Rockets 2nd 19:43 2 Pierre-Olivier Tremblay-Agelakos pass to Philippe Charpentier for 9 yards tackle by Olivier Bernier 12 - 21
Pocket Rockets 2nd 18:59 3 Pierre-Olivier Tremblay-Agelakos SACKED by Stanley Louis for -9 yards 12 - 21
Pocket Rockets 2nd 18:09 4 Pierre-Olivier Tremblay-Agelakos incomplete pass defended by Stanley Louis - TURNOVER ON DOWNS 12 - 21
Average Joes 2nd 17:53 1 Ignacio Valdes-Manzanedo pass to Nick Egley for 1 yards tackle by Alexis Ferrand 12 - 21
Average Joes 2nd 17:18 2 Ignacio Valdes-Manzanedo pass to Victor Okoro for 5 yards tackle by Leonidas Aubert 12 - 21
Average Joes 2nd 16:36 3 Ignacio Valdes-Manzanedo pass to Geoffrey Vigneault for 6 yards tackle by Leonidas Aubert - FIRST DOWN 12 - 21
Average Joes 2nd 15:50 1 Ignacio Valdes-Manzanedo incomplete pass defended by Simon Dumas 12 - 21
Average Joes 2nd 15:04 2 Ignacio Valdes-Manzanedo pass to Avery Klimas for 2 yards 12 - 21
Average Joes 2nd 14:15 3 Ignacio Valdes-Manzanedo incomplete pass defended by Alexandre Szalipszki 12 - 21
Average Joes 2nd 13:31 4 Ignacio Valdes-Manzanedo SACKED by Benoit Maynard for -3 yards - TURNOVER ON DOWNS 12 - 21
Pocket Rockets 2nd 13:12 1 Pierre-Olivier Tremblay-Agelakos incomplete pass 12 - 21
Pocket Rockets 2nd 12:33 2 Pierre-Olivier Tremblay-Agelakos pass to Philippe Charpentier for 41 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 12 - 27
Pocket Rockets 2nd 12:18 - Pierre-Olivier Tremblay-Agelakos pass to Laurent Foucault for 10 yards - 2 POINT CONVERT SUCCESSFUL! 12 - 29
Average Joes 2nd 12:02 1 Ignacio Valdes-Manzanedo pass to Geoffrey Vigneault for 5 yards tackle by Alexandre Szalipszki 12 - 29
Average Joes 2nd 11:35 2 Ignacio Valdes-Manzanedo pass to Avery Klimas for 17 yards tackle by Philippe Charpentier - FIRST DOWN 12 - 29
Average Joes 2nd 10:55 1 Ignacio Valdes-Manzanedo pass to Avery Klimas for 13 yards - FIRST DOWN 12 - 29
Average Joes 2nd 10:15 1 Ignacio Valdes-Manzanedo pass to Ryan McSweeny for 5 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 18 - 29
Average Joes 2nd 10:10 - Average Joes - FAILED CONVERT 18 - 29
Pocket Rockets 2nd 9:58 1 Pierre-Olivier Tremblay-Agelakos pass to Benoit Maynard for 3 yards tackle by Olivier Bernier 18 - 29
Pocket Rockets 2nd 9:14 2 Pierre-Olivier Tremblay-Agelakos pass to Benoit Maynard for 5 yards tackle by Victor Okoro 18 - 29
Pocket Rockets 2nd 8:25 3 Pierre-Olivier Tremblay-Agelakos incomplete pass 18 - 29
Pocket Rockets 2nd 7:39 4 Pierre-Olivier Tremblay-Agelakos pass to Alexis Ferrand for 4 yards - FIRST DOWN 18 - 29
Pocket Rockets 2nd 6:53 1 Pierre-Olivier Tremblay-Agelakos pass to Laurent Foucault for 6 yards tackle by Victor Okoro 18 - 29
Pocket Rockets 2nd 6:07 2 Pierre-Olivier Tremblay-Agelakos pass to Ali Issa for 10 yards tackle by Nick Egley - FIRST DOWN 18 - 29
Pocket Rockets 2nd 5:17 1 Pierre-Olivier Tremblay-Agelakos pass to Alexis Ferrand for 17 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 18 - 35
Pocket Rockets 2nd 5:12 - Pierre-Olivier Tremblay-Agelakos pass to Ali Issa for 5 yards - 1 POINT CONVERT SUCCESSFUL! 18 - 36
Average Joes 2nd 5:09 1 Ignacio Valdes-Manzanedo pass to Stanley Louis for 5 yards 18 - 36
Average Joes 2nd 4:47 2 Ignacio Valdes-Manzanedo pass to Ryan McSweeny for 9 yards tackle by Philippe Charpentier - FIRST DOWN 18 - 36
Average Joes 2nd 4:22 1 Ignacio Valdes-Manzanedo run for 9 yards tackle by Leonidas Aubert 18 - 36
Average Joes 2nd 3:50 2 Ignacio Valdes-Manzanedo incomplete pass 18 - 36
Average Joes 2nd 3:37 3 Ignacio Valdes-Manzanedo pass to Victor Okoro for 21 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 24 - 36
Average Joes 2nd 3:37 - Average Joes - FAILED CONVERT 24 - 36
Pocket Rockets 2nd 3:32 1 Pierre-Olivier Tremblay-Agelakos pass to Laurent Foucault for 13 yards tackle by Olivier Bernier - FIRST DOWN 24 - 36
Pocket Rockets 2nd 2:47 1 Pierre-Olivier Tremblay-Agelakos pass to Alexis Ferrand for 5 yards tackle by Avery Klimas 24 - 36
Pocket Rockets 2nd 2:02 2 Pierre-Olivier Tremblay-Agelakos incomplete pass 24 - 36
Pocket Rockets 2nd 1:57 3 Pierre-Olivier Tremblay-Agelakos incomplete pass defended by Ryan McSweeny 24 - 36
Pocket Rockets 2nd 1:51 4 Pierre-Olivier Tremblay-Agelakos pass INTERCEPTED by Avery Klimas 24 - 36
Average Joes 2nd 1:48 1 Ignacio Valdes-Manzanedo pass to Nick Egley for 4 yards 24 - 36
Average Joes 2nd 1:14 2 Ignacio Valdes-Manzanedo incomplete pass 24 - 36
Average Joes 2nd 0:47 3 Ignacio Valdes-Manzanedo SACKED by Benoit Maynard for -6 yards 24 - 36
Average Joes 2nd 0:00 4 Ignacio Valdes-Manzanedo run for 17 yards - FIRST DOWN 24 - 36
Average Joes 2nd 0:00 1 Ignacio Valdes-Manzanedo pass to Ryan McSweeny for 12 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 30 - 36
Average Joes 2nd 0:00 - Ignacio Valdes-Manzanedo pass to Nick Egley for 10 yards - 2 POINT CONVERT SUCCESSFUL! 32 - 36


Ignacio Valdes-Manzanedo 24/32 230 5 2 9.58


Pierre-Olivier Tremblay-Agelakos 26/38 227 5 1 8.73


Name REC YDS AVG TD 1pt 2pt
Ryan McSweeny 5 77 15.40 3 0 0
Avery Klimas 6 68 11.33 1 0 0
Victor Okoro 3 29 9.67 1 0 0
Olivier Bernier 2 20 10.00 0 0 0
Geoffroy Vigneault 3 14 4.67 0 0 0
Stanley Louis 2 12 6.00 0 0 0
Nick Egley 3 10 3.33 0 0 1


Name REC YDS AVG TD 1pt 2pt
Alexis Ferrand 8 67 8.38 2 1 0
Philippe Charpentier 5 64 12.80 2 0 0
Laurent Foucault 7 55 7.86 1 0 1
Leonidas Aubert 1 16 16.00 0 1 0
Ali Issa 1 10 10.00 0 1 0
Benoit Maynard 2 8 4.00 0 0 0
Simon Dumas 1 6 6.00 0 1 0
Alexandre Szalipszki 1 1 1.00 0 0 0


Ignacio Valdes-Manzanedo 4 17 4.25 0 0


Pierre-Olivier Tremblay-Agelakos 4 2 0.50 0 0


Olivier Bernier 5 0 0 0
Victor Okoro 4 0 0 0
Nick Egley 3 0 0 0
Avery Klimas 1 0 1 0
Stanley Louis 1 1 0 0
Ryan McSweeny 1 0 0 0
Geoffroy Vigneault 1 0 0 0


Leonidas Aubert 7 0 0 0
Alexandre Szalipszki 3 0 1 0
Philippe Charpentier 2 0 1 0
Alexis Ferrand 2 0 0 0
Benoit Maynard 2 2 0 0
Ali Issa 1 0 0 0
Simon Dumas 0 0 0 0


Average Joes

Team rating: 995.19
Team offensive rating: 497.01
Team defensive rating: 498.18
Name Number Overall rating Offensive rating Defensive rating Quarterback rating Attending?
Jason Armenti 7 65.01 63.72 66.29 79.33 no
Olivier Bernier 21 71.26 71.83 70.68 N/A yes
Nick Egley 1 80.03 76.34 83.72 N/A yes
Avery Klimas 34 85.53 90.02 81.03 76.26 yes
Stanley Louis 81 76.4 69.36 83.43 N/A yes
Ryan McSweeny 17 85.4 86.82 83.97 N/A yes
Victor Okoro 5 83.61 85.68 81.54 N/A yes
Ignacio Valdes-Manzanedo 20 80.46 84.03 76.88 74.92 yes
Dayrek Valme 11 70 70 70 N/A no
Geoffroy Vigneault N/A 79.31 74.12 84.49 N/A yes

Pocket Rockets

Team rating: 1025.22
Team offensive rating: 502.67
Team defensive rating: 522.55
Name Number Overall rating Offensive rating Defensive rating Quarterback rating Attending?
Khalil Agrébi 52 77.18 73.6 80.75 N/A no
Leonidas Aubert 3 78.02 75.73 80.3 N/A yes
Philippe Charpentier 7 85.91 85.24 86.58 N/A yes
Simon Dumas 25 81.69 78.97 84.4 55.38 yes
Alexis Ferrand 11 91.2 89.21 93.18 77.4 yes
Laurent Foucault 85 82.01 84.32 79.69 N/A yes
Ali Issa 4 89.75 83.84 95.66 N/A yes
Mike Jaz 69 74.99 79.97 70 N/A yes
Benoit Maynard 17 75.96 72.75 79.17 60.61 yes
Alexandre Szalipszki 2 81.25 80.06 82.43 74.7 yes
Pierre-Olivier Tremblay-Agelakos 12 67.05 68.55 65.55 80 yes
Montreal Flag Football League
Division 1
Division 2
Division 3
Division 4
Division 5
Women's Division
Brossard Div 1
Brossard Div 2
Winter Div 1
Winter Div 2
Winter Div 3
Winter Women
Aces Flag Football