Face Off
947.15 Team overall rating 564.4
483.41 Team offensive rating 298.64
463.74 Team defensive rating 265.76
25.8 Points per game 0
11.8 Opponents points per game 0
50% Offensive efficiency 63%
43% Conversion rate 44%
0% Defensive efficiency 0%
119 Passing yards per game 192
27 Rushing yards per game 16
1.8 Defensive interceptions per game 0.5
1.7 Defensive sacks per game 0.2
Passing Yards
Will Bradford
Receiving Yards
Samuel Aerts
Lucas Guerrera
Sean Murphy

Points per half

1st Half 2nd Half OT Total
The Practice Squad The Practice Squad 13 13 - 26
The Villains The Villains 19 8 - 27
Team Half Time Down Play Score
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 1st 19:32 3 David Mather pass to Mike Apa for 10 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 0 - 6
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 1st 18:10 1 Will Bradford pass to Jeremi Thompson O'Reilly for 44 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 6 - 6
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 1st 8:10 4 Will Bradford pass to Jeremi Thompson O'Reilly for 2 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 12 - 6
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 1st 7:17 - Will Bradford pass to Sean Murphy for 5 yards - 1 POINT CONVERT SUCCESSFUL! 13 - 6
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 1st 2:30 2 David Mather pass to *Jake for 12 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 13 - 12
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 1st 1:40 - David Mather pass to Mike Apa for 5 yards - 1 POINT CONVERT SUCCESSFUL! 13 - 13
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 1st 0:08 1 Will Bradford pass to Johnathan Arseneault for 30 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 19 - 13
Team Half Time Down Play Score
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 2nd 20:18 1 David Mather pass to Noah Kagan-Fleming for 7 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 19 - 19
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 2nd 19:28 - David Mather pass to Noah Kagan-Fleming for 5 yards - 1 POINT CONVERT SUCCESSFUL! 19 - 20
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 2nd 6:15 2 Will Bradford pass to Jaylen Clarke for 15 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 25 - 20
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 2nd 5:09 - Will Bradford pass to Jeremi Thompson O'Reilly for 10 yards - 2 POINT CONVERT SUCCESSFUL! 27 - 20
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 2nd 1:44 2 David Mather pass to Matt Van Aelst for 24 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 27 - 26

Points per half

1st Half 2nd Half OT Total
The Practice Squad The Practice Squad 13 13 - 26
The Villains The Villains 19 8 - 27
Team Half Time Down Play Score
The Villains 1st 21:13 1 Will Bradford pass INTERCEPTED by Noah Kagan-Fleming 0 - 0
The Practice Squad 1st 20:36 1 David Mather incomplete pass 0 - 0
The Practice Squad 1st 20:12 2 David Mather pass to *Ali for 3 yards tackle by Samuel Thompson O'Reilly 0 - 0
The Practice Squad 1st 19:32 3 David Mather pass to Mike Apa for 10 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 0 - 6
The Practice Squad 1st 18:55 - The Practice Squad - FAILED CONVERT 0 - 6
The Villains 1st 18:10 1 Will Bradford pass to Jeremi Thompson O'Reilly for 44 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 6 - 6
The Villains 1st 17:12 - The Villains - FAILED CONVERT 6 - 6
The Practice Squad 1st 16:24 1 David Mather pass to Noah Kagan-Fleming for 6 yards 6 - 6
The Practice Squad 1st 15:17 2 David Mather pass to Marcus Labropoulos for 6 yards - FIRST DOWN 6 - 6
The Practice Squad 1st 15:03 1 David Mather incomplete pass 6 - 6
The Practice Squad 1st 14:19 2 David Mather incomplete pass 6 - 6
The Practice Squad 1st 13:35 3 David Mather incomplete pass 6 - 6
The Practice Squad 1st 12:57 4 David Mather pass to Noah Kagan-Fleming for 12 yards - TURNOVER ON DOWNS 6 - 6
The Villains 1st 11:50 1 Will Bradford run for 2 yards 6 - 6
The Villains 1st 11:03 2 Will Bradford pass to Jeremi Thompson O'Reilly for 15 yards tackle by Matt Van Aelst - FIRST DOWN 6 - 6
The Villains 1st 10:15 1 Will Bradford incomplete pass defended by Matt Van Aelst 6 - 6
The Villains 1st 9:41 2 Jeremi Thompson O'Reilly run for 6 yards tackle by David Mather 6 - 6
The Villains 1st 8:57 3 Will Bradford pass to Samuel Thompson O'Reilly for 3 yards tackle by David Mather 6 - 6
The Villains 1st 8:10 4 Will Bradford pass to Jeremi Thompson O'Reilly for 2 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 12 - 6
The Villains 1st 7:17 - Will Bradford pass to Sean Murphy for 5 yards - 1 POINT CONVERT SUCCESSFUL! 13 - 6
The Practice Squad 1st 6:43 1 David Mather pass to Noah Kagan-Fleming for 10 yards 13 - 6
The Practice Squad 1st 6:06 2 David Mather pass to *Jake for 7 yards tackle by Jeremi Thompson O'Reilly - FIRST DOWN 13 - 6
The Practice Squad 1st 5:27 1 David Mather incomplete pass 13 - 6
The Practice Squad 1st 4:43 2 David Mather run for 11 yards 13 - 6
The Practice Squad 1st 4:02 3 David Mather pass to Mike Apa for 15 yards tackle by Sean Murphy - FIRST DOWN 13 - 6
The Practice Squad 1st 3:20 1 David Mather SACKED by Jeremi Thompson O'Reilly for -12 yards 13 - 6
The Practice Squad 1st 2:30 2 David Mather pass to *Jake for 12 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 13 - 12
The Practice Squad 1st 1:40 - David Mather pass to Mike Apa for 5 yards - 1 POINT CONVERT SUCCESSFUL! 13 - 13
The Villains 1st 0:54 1 Will Bradford pass to Jeremi Thompson O'Reilly for 16 yards tackle by *Ali - FIRST DOWN 13 - 13
The Villains 1st 0:08 1 Will Bradford pass to Johnathan Arseneault for 30 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 19 - 13
The Villains 1st 0:00 - The Villains - FAILED CONVERT 19 - 13
The Practice Squad 1st 0:00 1 David Mather pass to Noah Kagan-Fleming for 6 yards tackle by Samuel Thompson O'Reilly 19 - 13
The Practice Squad 1st 0:00 2 David Mather incomplete pass defended by Emerik Lemieux 19 - 13
The Practice Squad 1st 0:00 3 *Ali SACKED by Emerik Lemieux for -9 yards 19 - 13
The Practice Squad 1st 0:00 4 The Practice Squad - PUNT 19 - 13
The Villains 1st 0:00 1 Will Bradford pass to Jeremi Thompson O'Reilly for 30 yards 19 - 13
The Practice Squad 2nd 21:25 1 David Mather pass to *Ali for 33 yards - FIRST DOWN 19 - 13
The Practice Squad 2nd 20:50 1 Emerik Lemieux: Unnecessary Roughness for 10 yards - FIRST DOWN 19 - 13
The Practice Squad 2nd 20:18 1 David Mather pass to Noah Kagan-Fleming for 7 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 19 - 19
The Practice Squad 2nd 19:28 - David Mather pass to Noah Kagan-Fleming for 5 yards - 1 POINT CONVERT SUCCESSFUL! 19 - 20
The Villains 2nd 18:33 1 Will Bradford pass INTERCEPTED by Matt Van Aelst 19 - 20
The Practice Squad 2nd 17:47 1 David Mather incomplete pass 19 - 20
The Practice Squad 2nd 17:07 2 David Mather incomplete pass defended by Emerik Lemieux 19 - 20
The Practice Squad 2nd 16:38 3 Emerik Lemieux: Illegal Contact for 5 yards - FIRST DOWN 19 - 20
The Practice Squad 2nd 15:53 1 David Mather SACKED by Simon Poirier for -9 yards 19 - 20
The Practice Squad 2nd 15:09 2 David Mather pass to Noah Kagan-Fleming for 7 yards tackle by Samuel Thompson O'Reilly 19 - 20
The Practice Squad 2nd 14:18 3 David Mather incomplete pass defended by Jeremi Thompson O'Reilly 19 - 20
The Practice Squad 2nd 13:29 4 David Mather pass INTERCEPTED by Vincent Lemieux 19 - 20
The Villains 2nd 12:34 1 Will Bradford incomplete pass 19 - 20
The Villains 2nd 11:35 2 Will Bradford pass to Samuel Thompson O'Reilly for 5 yards 19 - 20
The Villains 2nd 11:21 3 Samuel Thompson O'Reilly: Unnecessary Contact for 5 yards 19 - 20
The Villains 2nd 10:37 3 Will Bradford incomplete pass 19 - 20
The Villains 2nd 10:30 4 The Villains - PUNT 19 - 20
The Practice Squad 2nd 9:45 1 David Mather pass to Noah Kagan-Fleming for 5 yards tackle by Samuel Thompson O'Reilly 19 - 20
The Practice Squad 2nd 9:16 2 David Mather pass to Noah Kagan-Fleming for 4 yards tackle by Samuel Thompson O'Reilly 19 - 20
The Practice Squad 2nd 8:37 3 David Mather incomplete pass defended by Samuel Thompson O'Reilly 19 - 20
The Practice Squad 2nd 7:52 4 David Mather incomplete pass - TURNOVER ON DOWNS 19 - 20
The Villains 2nd 7:01 1 Jeremi Thompson O'Reilly run for 1 yards tackle by Mike Apa 19 - 20
The Villains 2nd 6:15 2 Will Bradford pass to Jaylen Clarke for 15 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 25 - 20
The Villains 2nd 5:09 - Will Bradford pass to Jeremi Thompson O'Reilly for 10 yards - 2 POINT CONVERT SUCCESSFUL! 27 - 20
The Practice Squad 2nd 4:06 1 David Mather incomplete pass 27 - 20
The Practice Squad 2nd 3:13 2 David Mather pass to Mike Apa for 6 yards tackle by Jeremi Thompson O'Reilly 27 - 20
The Practice Squad 2nd 2:53 3 Jeremi Thompson O'Reilly: Unnecessary Roughness for 10 yards - FIRST DOWN 27 - 20
The Practice Squad 2nd 2:17 1 David Mather incomplete pass 27 - 20
The Practice Squad 2nd 1:44 2 David Mather pass to Matt Van Aelst for 24 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 27 - 26
The Practice Squad 2nd 0:09 - The Practice Squad - FAILED CONVERT 27 - 26
The Villains 2nd 0:00 1 Will Bradford pass to Vincent Lemieux for 25 yards 27 - 26


Will Bradford 10/15 185 4 2 18.50


David Mather 17/31 173 4 1 10.18


Name REC YDS AVG TD 1pt 2pt
Jeremi Thompson O'Reilly 5 107 21.40 2 0 1
Johnathan Arseneault 1 30 30.00 1 0 0
Vincent Lemieux 1 25 25.00 0 0 0
Jaylen Clarke 1 15 15.00 1 0 0
Samuel Thompson O'Reilly 2 8 4.00 0 0 0


Name REC YDS AVG TD 1pt 2pt
Noah Kagan-Fleming 8 57 7.12 1 1 0
Mike Apa 3 31 10.33 1 1 0
Matt Van Aelst 1 24 24.00 1 0 0
Marcus Labropoulos 1 6 6.00 0 0 0


Jeremi Thompson O'Reilly 2 7 3.50 0 0
Will Bradford 1 2 2.00 0 0




Samuel Thompson O'Reilly 5 0 0 0
Jeremi Thompson O'Reilly 3 1 0 0
Emerik Lemieux 1 1 0 0
Sean Murphy 1 0 0 0
Simon Poirier 1 1 0 0
Vincent Lemieux 0 0 1 0


David Mather 2 0 0 0
Mike Apa 1 0 0 0
Matt Van Aelst 1 0 1 0
Noah Kagan-Fleming 0 0 1 0


The Villains

Team rating: 947.15
Team offensive rating: 483.41
Team defensive rating: 463.74
Name Number Overall rating Offensive rating Defensive rating Quarterback rating Attending?
Jérémie Aerts 84 79.19 76.02 82.36 N/A no
Johnathan Arseneault 14 66.66 71.84 61.47 N/A yes
Will Bradford 12 60.07 55 65.14 78.04 yes
Jaylen Clarke 3 70 70 70 65.03 yes
Vincent Lemieux 5 76.07 76.83 75.31 N/A yes
Emerik Lemieux 6 81.19 82.57 79.81 N/A yes
Sean Murphy 13 76.69 76.59 76.79 N/A yes
Jeremi Thompson O'Reilly 21 83.62 89.01 78.23 81.06 yes
Samuel Thompson O'Reilly 7 81.51 80.37 82.65 N/A yes
Simon Poirier 11 65.11 59.26 70.95 N/A yes

The Practice Squad

Team rating: 564.4
Team offensive rating: 298.64
Team defensive rating: 265.76
Name Number Overall rating Offensive rating Defensive rating Quarterback rating Attending?
Mike Apa 4 71.07 75.99 66.15 N/A yes
Noah Kagan-Fleming N/A 70 70 70 N/A yes
Marcus Labropoulos 1 70 70 70 N/A no
Owen Lawton N/A 70 70 70 N/A no
Sunny Letourneau 7 71.31 71.91 70.71 N/A no
David Mather 5 56.39 55 57.78 78.92 yes
Marshall Mather 1 70 70 70 N/A no
Will Matthews 99 70 70 70 N/A no
Paris Thomas 2 61.12 58.97 63.27 N/A no
Ezechiel Tieide 98 70 70 70 N/A no
James Van Aelst 11 70.27 79.12 61.41 N/A no
Matt Van Aelst 9 72.78 73.73 71.83 N/A yes
* Ali N/A 70 70 70 N/A N/A
* Jake N/A 70 70 70 N/A N/A
Montreal Flag Football League
Division 1
Division 2
Division 3
Division 4
Division 5
Women's Division
Brossard Div 1
Brossard Div 2
Winter Div 1
Winter Div 2
Winter Div 3
Winter Women
Aces Flag Football