Face Off
687.2 Team overall rating 650
358.48 Team offensive rating 325
328.72 Team defensive rating 325
26.4 Points per game 26.0
14.0 Opponents points per game 10.0
49% Offensive efficiency 43%
30% Conversion rate 67%
0% Defensive efficiency 0%
142 Passing yards per game 167
21 Rushing yards per game 3
2.8 Defensive interceptions per game 1.5
1 Defensive sacks per game 2.5
Passing Yards
Branda Léonard
Geneviève Fortier
Receiving Yards
Jasmine Rossie
Delphine Djénandji
Sabrina Renaud
Geneviève Fortier
Monica Roy
Vivianne Paré

Points per half

1st Half 2nd Half OT Total
Vikings White Vikings White 6 13 - 19
Steeleuses Steeleuses 13 7 - 20
Team Half Time Down Play Score
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 1st 16:58 3 Branda Léonard pass to Krystele Jean-Baptiste for 9 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 6 - 0
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 1st 7:06 4 Branda Léonard pass to Jasmine Rossie for 22 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 12 - 0
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 1st 6:19 - Branda Léonard pass to Jasmine Rossie for 5 yards - 1 POINT CONVERT SUCCESSFUL! 13 - 0
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 1st 0:00 1 Geneviève Fortier pass to Evelyne Dumas for 3 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 13 - 6
Team Half Time Down Play Score
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 2nd 9:18 1 Geneviève Fortier pass to Oumaïma Hifdi for 21 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 13 - 12
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 2nd 1:40 2 Geneviève Fortier pass to Evelyne Dumas for 25 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 13 - 18
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 2nd 0:55 - Geneviève Fortier pass to Roxanne Roy for 5 yards - 1 POINT CONVERT SUCCESSFUL! 13 - 19
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 2nd 0:00 2 Branda Léonard pass to Kelly Anania for 12 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 19 - 19
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 2nd 0:00 - Branda Léonard pass to Katiana Dorvilus for 5 yards - 1 POINT CONVERT SUCCESSFUL! 20 - 19

Points per half

1st Half 2nd Half OT Total
Vikings White Vikings White 6 13 - 19
Steeleuses Steeleuses 13 7 - 20
Team Half Time Down Play Score
Steeleuses 1st 21:40 1 Branda Léonard pass to Katiana Dorvilus for 5 yards tackle by Eloïse Arcand 0 - 0
Steeleuses 1st 21:19 2 Branda Léonard incomplete pass defended by Evelyne Dumas 0 - 0
Steeleuses 1st 20:56 3 Branda Léonard MUFFED SNAP 0 - 0
Steeleuses 1st 20:14 4 Branda Léonard pass to Katiana Dorvilus for 6 yards tackle by Vivianne Paré - FIRST DOWN 0 - 0
Steeleuses 1st 19:40 1 Branda Léonard incomplete pass defended by Vivianne Paré 0 - 0
Steeleuses 1st 19:06 2 Branda Léonard pass to Kelly Anania for 11 yards - FIRST DOWN 0 - 0
Steeleuses 1st 18:18 1 Branda Léonard pass to Krystele Jean-Baptiste for 6 yards tackle by Geneviève Fortier 0 - 0
Steeleuses 1st 17:41 2 Branda Léonard run for 3 yards tackle by Eloïse Arcand 0 - 0
Steeleuses 1st 16:58 3 Branda Léonard pass to Krystele Jean-Baptiste for 9 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 6 - 0
Steeleuses 1st 16:11 - Steeleuses - FAILED CONVERT 6 - 0
Vikings White 1st 14:57 1 Geneviève Fortier pass to Oumaïma Hifdi for 19 yards tackle by Kelly Anania - FIRST DOWN 6 - 0
Vikings White 1st 14:27 1 Geneviève Fortier incomplete pass defended by Shermika Bartley 6 - 0
Vikings White 1st 13:59 2 Geneviève Fortier pass to Oumaïma Hifdi for 11 yards tackle by Krystele Jean-Baptiste - FIRST DOWN 6 - 0
Vikings White 1st 13:33 1 Geneviève Fortier pass to Roxanne Roy for 7 yards tackle by Branda Léonard 6 - 0
Vikings White 1st 12:40 2 Geneviève Fortier incomplete pass 6 - 0
Vikings White 1st 12:11 3 Geneviève Fortier incomplete pass defended by Kelly Anania 6 - 0
Vikings White 1st 11:39 4 Geneviève Fortier incomplete pass - TURNOVER ON DOWNS 6 - 0
Steeleuses 1st 10:58 1 Branda Léonard pass to Katiana Dorvilus for 7 yards tackle by Delphine Djénandji 6 - 0
Steeleuses 1st 10:22 2 Branda Léonard incomplete pass 6 - 0
Steeleuses 1st 9:43 3 Branda Léonard run for 11 yards tackle by Eloïse Arcand - FIRST DOWN 6 - 0
Steeleuses 1st 9:02 1 Branda Léonard pass to Jamilda Martin for 4 yards tackle by Geneviève Fortier 6 - 0
Steeleuses 1st 8:28 2 Branda Léonard incomplete pass defended by Delphine Djénandji 6 - 0
Steeleuses 1st 7:54 3 Branda Léonard incomplete pass 6 - 0
Steeleuses 1st 7:06 4 Branda Léonard pass to Jasmine Rossie for 22 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 12 - 0
Steeleuses 1st 6:19 - Branda Léonard pass to Jasmine Rossie for 5 yards - 1 POINT CONVERT SUCCESSFUL! 13 - 0
Vikings White 1st 5:40 1 Geneviève Fortier incomplete pass 13 - 0
Vikings White 1st 5:21 2 Geneviève Fortier pass to Delphine Djénandji for 30 yards tackle by Shermika Bartley - FIRST DOWN 13 - 0
Vikings White 1st 4:40 1 Geneviève Fortier run for 5 yards tackle by Jasmine Rossie 13 - 0
Vikings White 1st 4:03 2 Geneviève Fortier pass INTERCEPTED by Katiana Dorvilus 13 - 0
Steeleuses 1st 3:21 1 Branda Léonard pass to Kelly Anania for 5 yards tackle by Oumaïma Hifdi 13 - 0
Steeleuses 1st 2:48 2 Branda Léonard incomplete pass defended by Evelyne Dumas 13 - 0
Steeleuses 1st 2:08 3 Branda Léonard pass to Katiana Dorvilus for 1 yards tackle by Evelyne Dumas 13 - 0
Steeleuses 1st 1:32 4 Branda Léonard incomplete pass defended by Evelyne Dumas - TURNOVER ON DOWNS 13 - 0
Vikings White 1st 0:57 1 Geneviève Fortier pass to Roxanne Roy for 8 yards tackle by Krystele Jean-Baptiste 13 - 0
Vikings White 1st 0:26 2 Geneviève Fortier pass to Evelyne Dumas for 3 yards tackle by Katiana Dorvilus - FIRST DOWN 13 - 0
Vikings White 1st 0:00 1 Geneviève Fortier pass to Evelyne Dumas for 3 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 13 - 6
Vikings White 1st 0:00 - Vikings White - FAILED CONVERT 13 - 6
Steeleuses 1st 0:00 1 Branda Léonard pass to Kelly Anania for 6 yards tackle by Geneviève Fortier 13 - 6
Steeleuses 1st 0:00 2 Branda Léonard pass to Katiana Dorvilus for 7 yards tackle by Delphine Djénandji - FIRST DOWN 13 - 6
Steeleuses 1st 0:00 1 Branda Léonard incomplete pass 13 - 6
Steeleuses 1st 0:00 2 Branda Léonard SACKED by Geneviève Fortier for -4 yards 13 - 6
Steeleuses 1st 0:00 3 Branda Léonard SACKED by Geneviève Fortier for -2 yards 13 - 6
Vikings White 2nd 22:00 1 Geneviève Fortier pass to Roxanne Roy for 9 yards tackle by Katiana Dorvilus 13 - 6
Vikings White 2nd 21:34 2 Geneviève Fortier incomplete pass 13 - 6
Vikings White 2nd 21:11 3 Geneviève Fortier pass to Evelyne Dumas for 5 yards tackle by Katiana Dorvilus - FIRST DOWN 13 - 6
Vikings White 2nd 20:17 1 Evelyne Dumas: Rusher Interference for 5 yards 13 - 6
Vikings White 2nd 19:38 1 Geneviève Fortier pass to Delphine Djénandji for 6 yards tackle by Shermika Bartley 13 - 6
Vikings White 2nd 19:05 2 Geneviève Fortier pass to Evelyne Dumas for 5 yards tackle by Jasmine Rossie 13 - 6
Vikings White 2nd 18:38 3 Geneviève Fortier incomplete pass 13 - 6
Vikings White 2nd 18:09 4 Geneviève Fortier pass to Roxanne Roy for 3 yards tackle by Katiana Dorvilus - FIRST DOWN 13 - 6
Vikings White 2nd 17:36 1 Geneviève Fortier incomplete pass 13 - 6
Vikings White 2nd 17:10 2 Geneviève Fortier pass to Roxanne Roy for 5 yards tackle by Branda Léonard 13 - 6
Vikings White 2nd 16:39 3 Geneviève Fortier SACKED by Jasmine Rossie for -4 yards 13 - 6
Vikings White 2nd 15:54 4 Geneviève Fortier incomplete pass defended by Branda Léonard - TURNOVER ON DOWNS 13 - 6
Steeleuses 2nd 15:12 1 Branda Léonard pass to Katiana Dorvilus for 6 yards tackle by Delphine Djénandji 13 - 6
Steeleuses 2nd 14:39 2 Branda Léonard pass to Jasmine Rossie for 6 yards tackle by Eloïse Arcand - FIRST DOWN 13 - 6
Steeleuses 2nd 14:00 1 Branda Léonard incomplete pass 13 - 6
Steeleuses 2nd 13:25 2 Branda Léonard SACKED by Geneviève Fortier for -10 yards 13 - 6
Steeleuses 2nd 12:30 3 Branda Léonard run for 6 yards tackle by Evelyne Dumas 13 - 6
Steeleuses 2nd 11:00 4 Branda Léonard pass to Katiana Dorvilus for 10 yards tackle by Vivianne Paré - TURNOVER ON DOWNS 13 - 6
Vikings White 2nd 10:21 1 Geneviève Fortier incomplete pass 13 - 6
Vikings White 2nd 9:54 2 Geneviève Fortier pass to Delphine Djénandji for 19 yards tackle by Krystele Jean-Baptiste - FIRST DOWN 13 - 6
Vikings White 2nd 9:18 1 Geneviève Fortier pass to Oumaïma Hifdi for 21 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 13 - 12
Vikings White 2nd 5:54 - Vikings White - FAILED CONVERT 13 - 12
Steeleuses 2nd 4:56 1 Branda Léonard incomplete pass defended by Oumaïma Hifdi 13 - 12
Steeleuses 2nd 4:24 2 Branda Léonard incomplete pass defended by Evelyne Dumas 13 - 12
Steeleuses 2nd 3:52 3 Branda Léonard incomplete pass defended by Delphine Djénandji 13 - 12
Steeleuses 2nd 3:40 4 Steeleuses - PUNT 13 - 12
Vikings White 2nd 3:04 1 Geneviève Fortier incomplete pass defended by Katiana Dorvilus 13 - 12
Vikings White 2nd 2:38 2 Geneviève Fortier pass to Roxanne Roy for 12 yards tackle by Shermika Bartley - FIRST DOWN 13 - 12
Vikings White 2nd 2:08 1 Geneviève Fortier pass to Roxanne Roy for 5 yards tackle by Shermika Bartley 13 - 12
Vikings White 2nd 1:40 2 Geneviève Fortier pass to Evelyne Dumas for 25 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 13 - 18
Vikings White 2nd 0:55 - Geneviève Fortier pass to Roxanne Roy for 5 yards - 1 POINT CONVERT SUCCESSFUL! 13 - 19
Steeleuses 2nd 0:10 1 Branda Léonard pass to Jasmine Rossie for 25 yards tackle by Evelyne Dumas - FIRST DOWN 13 - 19
Steeleuses 2nd 0:00 1 Branda Léonard run for 6 yards 13 - 19
Steeleuses 2nd 0:00 2 Branda Léonard pass to Kelly Anania for 12 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 19 - 19
Steeleuses 2nd 0:00 - Branda Léonard pass to Katiana Dorvilus for 5 yards - 1 POINT CONVERT SUCCESSFUL! 20 - 19
Vikings White 2nd 0:00 1 Geneviève Fortier pass to Evelyne Dumas for 7 yards tackle by Kelly Anania 20 - 19
Vikings White 2nd 0:00 2 Geneviève Fortier pass to Vivianne Paré for 15 yards tackle by Branda Léonard - FIRST DOWN 20 - 19


Branda Léonard 17/29 148 3 0 8.71


Geneviève Fortier 20/32 218 3 1 10.90


Name REC YDS AVG TD 1pt 2pt
Jasmine Rossie 3 53 17.67 1 1 0
Katiana Dorvilus 7 42 6.00 0 1 0
Kelly Anania 4 34 8.50 1 0 0
Krystele Jean-Baptiste 2 15 7.50 1 0 0
Jamilda Martin 1 4 4.00 0 0 0


Name REC YDS AVG TD 1pt 2pt
Delphine Djénandji 3 55 18.33 0 0 0
Oumaïma Hifdi 3 51 17.00 1 0 0
Roxanne Roy 7 49 7.00 0 1 0
Evelyne Dumas 6 48 8.00 2 0 0
Vivianne Paré 1 15 15.00 0 0 0


Branda Léonard 7 10 1.43 0 0


Geneviève Fortier 2 1 0.50 0 0


Katiana Dorvilus 4 0 1 0
Shermika Bartley 4 0 0 0
Krystele Jean-Baptiste 3 0 0 0
Branda Léonard 3 0 0 0
Jasmine Rossie 3 1 0 0
Kelly Anania 2 0 0 0


Geneviève Fortier 6 3 0 0
Eloïse Arcand 4 0 0 0
Evelyne Dumas 3 0 0 0
Delphine Djénandji 3 0 0 0
Vivianne Paré 2 0 0 0
Oumaïma Hifdi 1 0 0 0



Team rating: 687.2
Team offensive rating: 358.48
Team defensive rating: 328.72
Name Number Overall rating Offensive rating Defensive rating Quarterback rating Attending?
Sheba Akpokli N/A 50 50 50 N/A no
Kelly Anania 2 59.28 62.4 56.15 N/A yes
Shermika Bartley N/A 60 60 60 N/A yes
Katiana Dorvilus 8 50 50 50 N/A yes
Krystele Jean-Baptiste 21 62.76 62.95 62.57 N/A yes
Branda Léonard 6 50 50 50 73.13 yes
Jamilda Martin 7 50 50 50 N/A yes
Harmonie Meyer-Marchl 19 50 50 50 N/A yes
Sabrina Renaud 13 64.41 63.66 65.15 N/A no
Jasmine Rossie 12 50 50 50 N/A yes
Monica Roy 11 64.4 69.96 58.83 N/A no
Melissa-Anne Xavier 25 66.25 73.58 58.92 N/A no

Vikings White

Team rating: 650
Team offensive rating: 325
Team defensive rating: 325
Name Number Overall rating Offensive rating Defensive rating Quarterback rating Attending?
Eloïse Arcand 6 50 50 50 N/A yes
Raphaëlle Barcena 4 50 50 50 N/A no
Andreanne Cadorette N/A 50 50 50 N/A no
Vikings White Captain N/A 50 50 50 N/A no
Chloé Corbeil N/A 50 50 50 N/A no
Matisse Danjou N/A 50 50 50 N/A no
Gabrielle Deschamps N/A 50 50 50 N/A no
Delphine Djénandji 9 50 50 50 N/A yes
Evelyne Dumas N/A 50 50 50 N/A yes
Oro Noura Émeline Boni 15 50 50 50 N/A no
Geneviève Fortier 2 50 50 50 N/A yes
Mathilde Fortin 11 50 50 50 N/A no
Oumaïma Hifdi 10 50 50 50 N/A yes
Tamara Journeau 13 55 55 55 N/A yes
Virginie Journeau 5 50 50 50 N/A yes
Alice Jutras 3 50 50 50 N/A no
Florence K. Péloquin 12 50 50 50 N/A no
Audrey Lajoie 16 50 50 50 N/A no
Alice Lalonde 7 50 50 50 N/A no
Océanne Mailloux 1 50 50 50 N/A no
Vivianne Paré 8 50 50 50 N/A yes
Roxanne Roy N/A 70 70 70 61.13 yes
Montreal Flag Football League
Division 1
Division 2
Division 3
Division 4
Division 5
Women's Division
Brossard Div 1
Brossard Div 2
Winter Div 1
Winter Div 2
Winter Div 3
Winter Women
Aces Flag Football