Face Off
921.31 Team overall rating 968.93
452.69 Team offensive rating 460.63
468.62 Team defensive rating 508.3
30.7 Points per game 0
23.0 Opponents points per game 0
64% Offensive efficiency 38%
38% Conversion rate 28%
0% Defensive efficiency 0%
173 Passing yards per game 181
12 Rushing yards per game 19
1.3 Defensive interceptions per game 1.6
2.3 Defensive sacks per game 2.1
Passing Yards
Receiving Yards

Points per half

1st Half 2nd Half OT Total
TDs and Beers TDs and Beers 12 6 - 18
Bines Bines 12 6 - 19
Team Half Time Down Play Score
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 1st 19:39 1 Alexis Ferrand pass to Jamie Pinney for 10 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 0 - 6
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 1st 14:07 2 Jean-François Rolland-Leclerc pass to Michael Tola Denis for 1 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 6 - 6
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 1st 6:30 3 Alexis Ferrand pass to Leonidas Aubert for 4 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 6 - 12
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 1st 2:02 2 Jean-François Rolland-Leclerc pass to David Michaud for 5 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 12 - 12
Team Half Time Down Play Score
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 2nd 10:07 4 Alexis Ferrand pass to Leonidas Aubert for 3 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 12 - 18
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 2nd 3:10 2 Jean-François Rolland-Leclerc pass to Jean-Simon Thibodeau for 6 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 18 - 18
Team Half Time Down Play Score
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 0nd OT - Jean-François Rolland-Leclerc pass to Thomas Cote-Parent for 5 yards - 1 POINT CONVERT SUCCESSFUL! 19 - 18

Points per half

1st Half 2nd Half OT Total
TDs and Beers TDs and Beers 12 6 - 18
Bines Bines 12 6 - 19
Team Half Time Down Play Score
TDs and Beers 1st 21:51 1 Alexis Ferrand incomplete pass defended by Michael Tola Denis 0 - 0
TDs and Beers 1st 21:16 2 Alexis Ferrand pass to Pierre-Olivier Tremblay-Agelakos for 6 yards tackle by David Michaud 0 - 0
TDs and Beers 1st 20:28 3 Alexis Ferrand pass to Jean-Sébastien St-Arneault for 25 yards tackle by Thomas Cote-Parent - FIRST DOWN 0 - 0
TDs and Beers 1st 19:39 1 Alexis Ferrand pass to Jamie Pinney for 10 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 0 - 6
TDs and Beers 1st 19:21 - TDs and Beers - FAILED CONVERT 0 - 6
Bines 1st 19:16 1 Jean-François Rolland-Leclerc pass to Thomas Cote-Parent for 6 yards tackle by Alexandre Sobolevski 0 - 6
Bines 1st 18:33 2 Jean-François Rolland-Leclerc pass to David Michaud for 3 yards tackle by Leonidas Aubert 0 - 6
Bines 1st 17:44 3 Jean-François Rolland-Leclerc incomplete pass 0 - 6
Bines 1st 17:07 4 Jean-François Rolland-Leclerc pass to Mathieu Roy-Caissy for 2 yards tackle by Leonidas Aubert - FIRST DOWN 0 - 6
Bines 1st 16:26 1 Jean-François Rolland-Leclerc pass to David Michaud for 8 yards tackle by Emma Sinclair 0 - 6
Bines 1st 15:39 2 Jean-François Rolland-Leclerc pass to Thomas Cote-Parent for 13 yards tackle by Alexis Ferrand - FIRST DOWN 0 - 6
Bines 1st 14:54 1 Jean-François Rolland-Leclerc pass to David Michaud for 8 yards tackle by Alexandre Sobolevski 0 - 6
Bines 1st 14:07 2 Jean-François Rolland-Leclerc pass to Michael Tola Denis for 1 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 6 - 6
Bines 1st 14:03 - Alexandre Sobolevski: Defensive Other for 5 yards 6 - 6
Bines 1st 14:03 - Bines - FAILED CONVERT 6 - 6
TDs and Beers 1st 13:58 1 Alexis Ferrand incomplete pass defended by Thomas Cote-Parent 6 - 6
TDs and Beers 1st 13:22 2 Alexis Ferrand pass to Jamie Pinney for 6 yards tackle by Michael Tola Denis 6 - 6
TDs and Beers 1st 12:46 3 Alexis Ferrand run for 4 yards tackle by Mathieu Roy-Caissy - FIRST DOWN 6 - 6
TDs and Beers 1st 12:03 1 Alexis Ferrand incomplete pass defended by Jean-Simon Thibodeau 6 - 6
TDs and Beers 1st 11:29 2 Alexis Ferrand pass to Jean-Sébastien St-Arneault for 6 yards tackle by Thomas Cote-Parent 6 - 6
TDs and Beers 1st 10:46 3 Alexis Ferrand pass to Khalil Agrébi for 7 yards - FIRST DOWN 6 - 6
TDs and Beers 1st 10:09 1 Alexis Ferrand incomplete pass defended by Thomas Cote-Parent 6 - 6
TDs and Beers 1st 9:31 2 Alexis Ferrand pass to Jamie Pinney for 6 yards 6 - 6
TDs and Beers 1st 8:48 3 Alexis Ferrand pass to Ali Issa for 8 yards tackle by Michael Tola Denis - FIRST DOWN 6 - 6
TDs and Beers 1st 7:55 1 Alexis Ferrand SACKED by Shwan Shaker for -4 yards 6 - 6
TDs and Beers 1st 6:58 2 Alexis Ferrand pass to Leonidas Aubert for 5 yards tackle by Jean-Simon Thibodeau 6 - 6
TDs and Beers 1st 6:30 3 Alexis Ferrand pass to Leonidas Aubert for 4 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 6 - 12
TDs and Beers 1st 6:30 - TDs and Beers - FAILED CONVERT 6 - 12
Bines 1st 6:24 1 Jean-François Rolland-Leclerc pass to David Michaud for 25 yards tackle by Leonidas Aubert - FIRST DOWN 6 - 12
Bines 1st 5:35 1 Jean-François Rolland-Leclerc pass to Michael Tola Denis for 5 yards tackle by Jean-Sébastien St-Arneault 6 - 12
Bines 1st 4:56 2 Jean-François Rolland-Leclerc pass to Mathieu Roy-Caissy for 3 yards tackle by Leonidas Aubert 6 - 12
Bines 1st 4:16 3 Jean-François Rolland-Leclerc SACKED by Khalil Agrébi for -2 yards 6 - 12
Bines 1st 3:31 4 Jean-François Rolland-Leclerc pass to Mathieu Roy-Caissy for 10 yards tackle by Jean-Sébastien St-Arneault - FIRST DOWN 6 - 12
Bines 1st 2:41 1 Jean-François Rolland-Leclerc incomplete pass 6 - 12
Bines 1st 2:02 2 Jean-François Rolland-Leclerc pass to David Michaud for 5 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 12 - 12
Bines 1st 2:02 - Bines - FAILED CONVERT 12 - 12
TDs and Beers 1st 1:57 1 Alexis Ferrand pass to Pierre-Olivier Tremblay-Agelakos for 6 yards tackle by Mathieu Roy-Caissy 12 - 12
TDs and Beers 1st 1:31 2 Alexis Ferrand pass to Jean-Sébastien St-Arneault for 3 yards tackle by Mathieu Roy-Caissy 12 - 12
TDs and Beers 1st 1:10 3 Alexis Ferrand incomplete pass 12 - 12
TDs and Beers 1st 1:03 4 Alexis Ferrand run for 1 yards tackle by David Michaud - FIRST DOWN 12 - 12
TDs and Beers 1st 0:28 1 Alexis Ferrand incomplete pass 12 - 12
TDs and Beers 1st 0:21 2 Alexis Ferrand pass to Ali Issa for 6 yards tackle by David Michaud 12 - 12
TDs and Beers 1st 0:12 3 Alexis Ferrand incomplete pass 12 - 12
TDs and Beers 1st 0:04 4 Alexis Ferrand pass to Jean-Sébastien St-Arneault for 12 yards tackle by Jean-Simon Thibodeau - FIRST DOWN 12 - 12
TDs and Beers 1st 0:00 1 Alexis Ferrand incomplete pass defended by Shwan Shaker 12 - 12
Bines 2nd 22:00 1 Jean-François Rolland-Leclerc pass to Thomas Cote-Parent for 3 yards tackle by Jean-Sébastien St-Arneault 12 - 12
Bines 2nd 21:11 2 Jean-François Rolland-Leclerc pass to Jean-Simon Thibodeau for 5 yards tackle by Alexis Ferrand 12 - 12
Bines 2nd 20:31 3 Jean-François Rolland-Leclerc pass to Thomas Cote-Parent for 20 yards - FIRST DOWN 12 - 12
Bines 2nd 19:31 1 Jean-François Rolland-Leclerc incomplete pass 12 - 12
Bines 2nd 19:03 2 Jean-François Rolland-Leclerc incomplete pass 12 - 12
Bines 2nd 18:18 3 Jean-François Rolland-Leclerc pass to David Michaud for 12 yards tackle by Emma Sinclair - FIRST DOWN 12 - 12
Bines 2nd 17:27 1 Jean-François Rolland-Leclerc pass INTERCEPTED by Jean-Sébastien St-Arneault 12 - 12
TDs and Beers 2nd 17:01 1 Alexis Ferrand pass to Pierre-Olivier Tremblay-Agelakos for 7 yards tackle by Mathieu Roy-Caissy 12 - 12
TDs and Beers 2nd 16:45 2 Alexandre Sobolevski: False Start for 5 yards 12 - 12
TDs and Beers 2nd 16:31 2 Alexis Ferrand incomplete pass 12 - 12
TDs and Beers 2nd 15:56 3 Alexis Ferrand pass to Ali Issa for 13 yards - FIRST DOWN 12 - 12
TDs and Beers 2nd 15:16 1 Alexis Ferrand incomplete pass 12 - 12
TDs and Beers 2nd 14:30 2 Alexis Ferrand incomplete pass 12 - 12
TDs and Beers 2nd 13:48 3 Alexis Ferrand pass to Leonidas Aubert for 7 yards tackle by Mathieu Roy-Caissy 12 - 12
TDs and Beers 2nd 12:55 4 Alexis Ferrand pass to Leonidas Aubert for 16 yards tackle by Jean-Simon Thibodeau - FIRST DOWN 12 - 12
TDs and Beers 2nd 12:08 1 Alexis Ferrand pass to Jamie Pinney for 5 yards tackle by David Michaud 12 - 12
TDs and Beers 2nd 11:35 2 Alexis Ferrand incomplete pass defended by David Michaud 12 - 12
TDs and Beers 2nd 10:46 3 Alexis Ferrand incomplete pass defended by Thomas Cote-Parent 12 - 12
TDs and Beers 2nd 10:07 4 Alexis Ferrand pass to Leonidas Aubert for 3 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 12 - 18
TDs and Beers 2nd 9:59 - TDs and Beers - FAILED CONVERT 12 - 18
Bines 2nd 9:52 1 Jean-François Rolland-Leclerc pass to David Michaud for 3 yards tackle by Emma Sinclair 12 - 18
Bines 2nd 9:10 2 Jean-François Rolland-Leclerc pass to Michael Tola Denis for 6 yards tackle by Leonidas Aubert 12 - 18
Bines 2nd 8:21 3 Jean-François Rolland-Leclerc pass to Thomas Cote-Parent for 5 yards tackle by Jean-Sébastien St-Arneault - FIRST DOWN 12 - 18
Bines 2nd 7:33 1 Jean-François Rolland-Leclerc incomplete pass 12 - 18
Bines 2nd 6:31 2 Jean-François Rolland-Leclerc pass to Thomas Cote-Parent for 7 yards tackle by Jean-Sébastien St-Arneault 12 - 18
Bines 2nd 5:59 3 Jean-François Rolland-Leclerc incomplete pass defended by Ali Issa 12 - 18
Bines 2nd 5:20 4 Jean-François Rolland-Leclerc pass to Thomas Cote-Parent for 5 yards - FIRST DOWN 12 - 18
Bines 2nd 4:36 1 Jean-François Rolland-Leclerc pass to Mathieu Roy-Caissy for 13 yards tackle by Alexis Ferrand - FIRST DOWN 12 - 18
Bines 2nd 3:45 1 Jean-François Rolland-Leclerc incomplete pass 12 - 18
Bines 2nd 3:10 2 Jean-François Rolland-Leclerc pass to Jean-Simon Thibodeau for 6 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 18 - 18
Bines 2nd 3:06 - Bines - FAILED CONVERT 18 - 18
TDs and Beers 2nd 3:02 1 Alexis Ferrand MUFFED SNAP 18 - 18
TDs and Beers 2nd 2:32 2 Alexis Ferrand pass to Khalil Agrébi for 13 yards tackle by Thomas Cote-Parent - FIRST DOWN 18 - 18
TDs and Beers 2nd 1:55 1 Alexis Ferrand incomplete pass defended by David Michaud 18 - 18
TDs and Beers 2nd 1:15 2 Alexis Ferrand incomplete pass defended by Jean-Simon Thibodeau 18 - 18
TDs and Beers 2nd 0:36 3 Alexis Ferrand incomplete pass defended by David Michaud 18 - 18
TDs and Beers 2nd 0:30 4 TDs and Beers - PUNT 18 - 18
Bines 2nd 0:29 1 Jean-François Rolland-Leclerc pass to Mathieu Roy-Caissy for 13 yards tackle by Leonidas Aubert - FIRST DOWN 18 - 18
Bines 2nd 0:19 1 Jean-François Rolland-Leclerc pass to Mathieu Roy-Caissy for 11 yards tackle by Emma Sinclair - FIRST DOWN 18 - 18
Bines 2nd 0:13 1 Jean-François Rolland-Leclerc pass INTERCEPTED by Alexis Ferrand 18 - 18
TDs and Beers 2nd 0:06 1 Alexis Ferrand pass to Pierre-Olivier Tremblay-Agelakos for 16 yards tackle by David Michaud - FIRST DOWN 18 - 18
TDs and Beers 2nd 0:00 1 Alexis Ferrand run for 15 yards tackle by Mathieu Roy-Caissy - FIRST DOWN 18 - 18
TDs and Beers 2nd 0:00 1 Jean-Simon Thibodeau: Holding for 5 yards - FIRST DOWN 18 - 18
TDs and Beers 2nd 0:00 1 Alexis Ferrand incomplete pass 18 - 18
TDs and Beers 0nd OT - TDs and Beers - FAILED CONVERT 18 - 18
Bines 0nd OT - Jean-François Rolland-Leclerc pass to Thomas Cote-Parent for 5 yards - 1 POINT CONVERT SUCCESSFUL! 19 - 18


Jean-François Rolland-Leclerc 25/34 198 3 2 7.92


Alexis Ferrand 22/39 190 3 0 8.64


Name REC YDS AVG TD 1pt 2pt
David Michaud 7 64 9.14 1 0 0
Thomas Cote-Parent 7 59 8.43 0 1 0
Mathieu Roy-Caissy 6 52 8.67 0 0 0
Michael Tola Denis 3 12 4.00 1 0 0
Jean-Simon Thibodeau 2 11 5.50 1 0 0


Name REC YDS AVG TD 1pt 2pt
Jean-Sébastien St-Arneault 4 46 11.50 0 0 0
Leonidas Aubert 5 35 7.00 2 0 0
Pierre-Olivier Tremblay-Agelakos 4 35 8.75 0 0 0
Ali Issa 3 27 9.00 0 0 0
Jamie Pinney 4 27 6.75 1 0 0
Khalil Agrébi 2 20 10.00 0 0 0




Alexis Ferrand 4 16 4.00 0 0


Mathieu Roy-Caissy 6 0 0 0
David Michaud 5 0 0 0
Thomas Cote-Parent 3 0 0 0
Jean-Simon Thibodeau 3 0 0 0
Michael Tola Denis 2 0 0 0
Shwan Shaker 1 1 0 0


Leonidas Aubert 6 0 0 0
Jean-Sébastien St-Arneault 5 0 1 0
Emma Sinclair 4 0 0 0
Alexis Ferrand 3 0 1 0
Alexandre Sobolevski 2 0 0 0
Khalil Agrébi 1 1 0 0
Ali Issa 0 0 0 1



Team rating: 921.31
Team offensive rating: 452.69
Team defensive rating: 468.62
Name Number Overall rating Offensive rating Defensive rating Quarterback rating Attending?
Simon Beaudoin 3 83.84 86.76 80.91 75 no
Victor Charpentier-Demers N/A 65 65 65 N/A no
Clément Chaussée 87 70 70 70 N/A no
Thomas Cote-Parent 1 79.8 86.96 72.64 N/A yes
Louis Gervais N/A 70 70 70 N/A no
Arthur Grivel N/A 61.76 66.65 56.87 N/A no
David Michaud 21 78.12 79.53 76.7 78.42 yes
Albert Nguyen 14 72.6 69.78 75.41 66.88 no
Jean-François Rolland-Leclerc 13 61.37 60.81 61.92 73.2 yes
Mathieu Roy-Caissy 8 74.79 71.59 77.98 51.25 yes
Shwan Shaker 17 69.22 60.17 78.27 N/A yes
Jean-Simon Thibodeau 15 79.61 74.81 84.4 N/A yes
Michael Tola Denis 7 72.62 66.6 78.63 N/A yes
William Tremblay-Lacombe N/A 79.3 84.55 74.05 N/A no

TDs and Beers

Team rating: 968.93
Team offensive rating: 460.63
Team defensive rating: 508.3
Name Number Overall rating Offensive rating Defensive rating Quarterback rating Attending?
Khalil Agrébi 9 77.18 73.6 80.75 N/A yes
Leonidas Aubert 3 78.02 75.73 80.3 N/A yes
Alexis Ferrand 11 91.2 89.21 93.18 77.4 yes
Ali Issa 10 89.75 83.84 95.66 N/A yes
Jamie Pinney 2 70 70 70 N/A yes
Emma Sinclair 6 60.1 56.57 63.62 N/A yes
Alexandre Sobolevski 4 69.45 65.18 73.72 N/A yes
Jean-Sébastien St-Arneault 8 82.38 80.06 84.69 N/A yes
Pierre-Olivier Tremblay-Agelakos 22 67.05 68.55 65.55 80 yes
Montreal Flag Football League
Division 1
Division 2
Division 3
Division 4
Division 5
Women's Division
Brossard Div 1
Brossard Div 2
Winter Div 1
Winter Div 2
Winter Div 3
Winter Women
Aces Flag Football