Face Off
977.83 Team overall rating 975.78
492.96 Team offensive rating 499.85
484.87 Team defensive rating 475.93
10.7 Points per game 47.5
32.7 Opponents points per game 37.0
25% Offensive efficiency 88%
20% Conversion rate 71%
0% Defensive efficiency 0%
171 Passing yards per game 260
3 Rushing yards per game 10
0.3 Defensive interceptions per game 0
0.3 Defensive sacks per game 0.5
Passing Yards
David Brisson
Receiving Yards
Eric Schiocchet
Meïs Ngarane
Eric Schiocchet

Points per half

1st Half 2nd Half OT Total
Master Chiefs Master Chiefs 16 18 - 34
Double Dippers Double Dippers 6 6 - 12
Team Half Time Down Play Score
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 1st 0:00 1 Vinny Gualano pass to Jeremy Rooney for 3 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 0 - 6
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 1st 0:00 - Vinny Gualano pass to Moses Spielman for 10 yards - 2 POINT CONVERT SUCCESSFUL! 0 - 8
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 1st 0:00 3 David Brisson pass to Simon Dumas for 2 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 6 - 8
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 1st 0:00 3 Vinny Gualano pass to Ashton Thibault for 39 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 6 - 14
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 1st 0:00 - Vinny Gualano pass to Moses Spielman for 10 yards - 2 POINT CONVERT SUCCESSFUL! 6 - 16
Team Half Time Down Play Score
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 2nd 0:00 1 Vinny Gualano pass to Elijah Hicks for 2 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 6 - 22
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 2nd 0:00 3 David Brisson pass INTERCEPTED by Jeremy Rooney - INTERCEPTION FOR TOUCHDOWN! 6 - 28
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 2nd 0:00 2 David Brisson pass to Manuel Allard-Roy for 5 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 12 - 28
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 2nd 0:00 4 Vinny Gualano pass to Ashton Thibault for 7 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 12 - 34

Points per half

1st Half 2nd Half OT Total
Master Chiefs Master Chiefs 16 18 - 34
Double Dippers Double Dippers 6 6 - 12
Team Half Time Down Play Score
Double Dippers 1st 0:00 1 David Brisson incomplete pass 0 - 0
Double Dippers 1st 0:00 2 David Brisson pass to Nicolas Cloutier for 9 yards tackle by Moses Spielman 0 - 0
Double Dippers 1st 0:00 3 David Brisson incomplete pass 0 - 0
Double Dippers 1st 0:00 4 David Brisson pass to Simon Dumas for 4 yards - FIRST DOWN 0 - 0
Double Dippers 1st 0:00 1 David Brisson pass INTERCEPTED by Mike Jasenovic 0 - 0
Master Chiefs 1st 0:00 1 Vinny Gualano pass to Jeremy Rooney for 5 yards 0 - 0
Master Chiefs 1st 0:00 2 Vinny Gualano incomplete pass 0 - 0
Master Chiefs 1st 0:00 3 Vinny Gualano pass to Moses Spielman for 14 yards - FIRST DOWN 0 - 0
Master Chiefs 1st 0:00 1 Vinny Gualano pass to Jeremy Rooney for 3 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 0 - 6
Master Chiefs 1st 0:00 - Vinny Gualano pass to Moses Spielman for 10 yards - 2 POINT CONVERT SUCCESSFUL! 0 - 8
Double Dippers 1st 0:00 1 David Brisson pass to Ezra Barrette for 17 yards tackle by Yaseen Azam - FIRST DOWN 0 - 8
Double Dippers 1st 0:00 1 David Brisson pass to Manuel Allard-Roy for 22 yards tackle by Yaseen Azam - FIRST DOWN 0 - 8
Double Dippers 1st 0:00 1 David Brisson incomplete pass 0 - 8
Double Dippers 1st 0:00 2 David Brisson incomplete pass 0 - 8
Double Dippers 1st 0:00 3 David Brisson pass to Simon Dumas for 2 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 6 - 8
Double Dippers 1st 0:00 - Double Dippers - FAILED CONVERT 6 - 8
Master Chiefs 1st 0:00 1 Vinny Gualano incomplete pass 6 - 8
Master Chiefs 1st 0:00 2 Vinny Gualano pass to Ashton Thibault for 6 yards tackle by Simon Dumas 6 - 8
Master Chiefs 1st 0:00 3 Vinny Gualano pass to Ashton Thibault for 39 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 6 - 14
Master Chiefs 1st 0:00 - Vinny Gualano pass to Moses Spielman for 10 yards - 2 POINT CONVERT SUCCESSFUL! 6 - 16
Double Dippers 1st 0:00 1 David Brisson pass to Nicolas Cloutier for 7 yards tackle by Vinny Gualano 6 - 16
Double Dippers 1st 0:00 2 David Brisson incomplete pass 6 - 16
Double Dippers 1st 0:00 3 David Brisson incomplete pass 6 - 16
Double Dippers 1st 0:00 4 David Brisson incomplete pass - TURNOVER ON DOWNS 6 - 16
Master Chiefs 1st 0:00 1 Vinny Gualano pass to Yaseen Azam for 12 yards - FIRST DOWN 6 - 16
Master Chiefs 1st 0:00 1 Vinny Gualano incomplete pass 6 - 16
Master Chiefs 1st 0:00 2 Vinny Gualano pass to Mike Jasenovic for 7 yards 6 - 16
Master Chiefs 1st 0:00 3 Vinny Gualano pass to Elijah Hicks for 9 yards - FIRST DOWN 6 - 16
Master Chiefs 1st 0:00 1 Vinny Gualano pass to Moses Spielman for 10 yards - FIRST DOWN 6 - 16
Master Chiefs 1st 0:00 1 Vinny Gualano pass to Jeremy Rooney for 6 yards tackle by Manuel Allard-Roy 6 - 16
Master Chiefs 1st 0:00 2 Vinny Gualano incomplete pass 6 - 16
Master Chiefs 1st 0:00 3 Vinny Gualano SACKED by Khalil Agrebi for -5 yards 6 - 16
Master Chiefs 1st 0:00 4 Vinny Gualano incomplete pass - TURNOVER ON DOWNS 6 - 16
Double Dippers 1st 0:00 1 Ezra Barrette pass INTERCEPTED by Moses Spielman 6 - 16
Master Chiefs 2nd 0:00 1 Vinny Gualano pass to Mike Jasenovic for 8 yards tackle by Simon Dumas 6 - 16
Master Chiefs 2nd 0:00 2 Vinny Gualano pass to Yaseen Azam for 6 yards tackle by Ezra Barrette - FIRST DOWN 6 - 16
Master Chiefs 2nd 0:00 1 Vinny Gualano SACKED by Ezra Barrette for -6 yards 6 - 16
Master Chiefs 2nd 0:00 2 Vinny Gualano pass to Ashton Thibault for 9 yards 6 - 16
Master Chiefs 2nd 0:00 3 Vinny Gualano SACKED by Khalil Agrebi for -1 yards 6 - 16
Master Chiefs 2nd 0:00 4 Vinny Gualano pass to Ashton Thibault for 9 yards tackle by Simon Dumas - FIRST DOWN 6 - 16
Master Chiefs 2nd 0:00 1 Vinny Gualano pass to Mike Jasenovic for 8 yards tackle by Ezra Barrette 6 - 16
Master Chiefs 2nd 0:00 2 Vinny Gualano pass to Jeremy Rooney for 6 yards - FIRST DOWN 6 - 16
Master Chiefs 2nd 0:00 1 Vinny Gualano pass to Elijah Hicks for 2 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 6 - 22
Master Chiefs 2nd 0:00 - Master Chiefs - FAILED CONVERT 6 - 22
Double Dippers 2nd 0:00 1 David Brisson pass to Mason Miller for 3 yards tackle by Elijah Hicks 6 - 22
Double Dippers 2nd 0:00 2 David Brisson run for 1 yards tackle by Elijah Hicks 6 - 22
Double Dippers 2nd 0:00 3 David Brisson pass INTERCEPTED by Jeremy Rooney - INTERCEPTION FOR TOUCHDOWN! 6 - 28
Master Chiefs 2nd 0:00 - Master Chiefs - FAILED CONVERT 6 - 28
Double Dippers 2nd 0:00 1 David Brisson pass to Ezra Barrette for 9 yards tackle by Jeremy Rooney 6 - 28
Double Dippers 2nd 0:00 2 David Brisson pass to Nicolas Cloutier for 2 yards tackle by Elijah Hicks - FIRST DOWN 6 - 28
Double Dippers 2nd 0:00 1 David Brisson SACKED by Vinny Gualano for -4 yards 6 - 28
Double Dippers 2nd 0:00 2 David Brisson pass to Manuel Allard-Roy for 6 yards tackle by Elijah Hicks 6 - 28
Double Dippers 2nd 0:00 3 David Brisson incomplete pass 6 - 28
Double Dippers 2nd 0:00 4 David Brisson pass to Manuel Allard-Roy for 19 yards tackle by Ashton Thibault - FIRST DOWN 6 - 28
Double Dippers 2nd 0:00 1 David Brisson pass to Nicolas Cloutier for 3 yards tackle by Elijah Hicks 6 - 28
Double Dippers 2nd 0:00 2 David Brisson pass to Manuel Allard-Roy for 5 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 12 - 28
Double Dippers 2nd 0:00 - Double Dippers - FAILED CONVERT 12 - 28
Master Chiefs 2nd 0:00 1 Vinny Gualano incomplete pass defended by Mason Miller 12 - 28
Master Chiefs 2nd 0:00 2 Vinny Gualano pass to Yaseen Azam for 6 yards 12 - 28
Master Chiefs 2nd 0:00 3 Vinny Gualano pass to Jeremy Rooney for 21 yards - FIRST DOWN 12 - 28
Master Chiefs 2nd 0:00 1 Vinny Gualano incomplete pass 12 - 28
Master Chiefs 2nd 0:00 2 Vinny Gualano incomplete pass 12 - 28
Master Chiefs 2nd 0:00 3 Vinny Gualano pass to Mike Jasenovic for 6 yards tackle by Ezra Barrette 12 - 28
Master Chiefs 2nd 0:00 4 Vinny Gualano pass to Ashton Thibault for 7 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 12 - 34


David Brisson 13/23 108 2 2 8.31


Vinny Gualano 21/29 199 4 0 9.48


Name REC YDS AVG TD 1pt 2pt
Manuel Allard-Roy 4 52 13.00 1 0 0
Ezra Barrette 2 26 13.00 0 0 0
Nicolas Cloutier 4 21 5.25 0 0 0
Simon Dumas 2 6 3.00 1 0 0
Mason Miller 1 3 3.00 0 0 0


Name REC YDS AVG TD 1pt 2pt
Ashton Thibeault 5 70 14.00 2 0 0
Jeremy Rooney 5 41 8.20 1 0 0
Mike Jasenovic 4 29 7.25 0 0 0
Yaseen Azam 3 24 8.00 0 0 0
Rob White 2 24 12.00 0 0 2
Elijah Hicks 2 11 5.50 1 0 0






Ezra Barrette 4 1 0 0
Simon Dumas 3 0 0 0
Khalil Agrebi 2 2 0 0
Manuel Allard-Roy 1 0 0 0
Mason Miller 0 0 0 0


Elijah Hicks 5 0 0 0
Yaseen Azam 2 0 0 0
Vinny Gualano 2 1 0 0
Jeremy Rooney 1 0 1 1
Rob White 1 0 1 0
Ashton Thibeault 1 0 0 0
Mike Jasenovic 0 0 1 0


Double Dippers

Team rating: 977.83
Team offensive rating: 492.96
Team defensive rating: 484.87
Name Number Overall rating Offensive rating Defensive rating Quarterback rating Attending?
Khalil Agrebi 24 77.18 73.6 80.75 N/A yes
Manuel Allard-Roy 84 89.53 88.9 90.15 N/A yes
Ezra Barrette 13 71.95 78.36 65.53 N/A yes
David Brisson 30 67.29 64.34 70.24 82.98 yes
Nicolas Cloutier 20 72 72.87 71.13 N/A yes
Simon Dumas 25 81.69 78.97 84.4 55.38 yes
Mason Miller 21 89.18 90.15 88.2 N/A yes
Nicolas Poitevin 8 78.37 76.18 80.56 41.93 no
Eric Schiocchet 9 79.98 85.82 74.13 N/A no
Alexandre Szalipszki 2 81.25 80.06 82.43 74.7 no
Maxime Veron 4 79.17 78.4 79.94 N/A no

Master Chiefs

Team rating: 975.78
Team offensive rating: 499.85
Team defensive rating: 475.93
Name Number Overall rating Offensive rating Defensive rating Quarterback rating Attending?
Yaseen Azam 99 69.76 65.87 73.65 N/A yes
Jason Edwards 34 84 85.5 82.49 N/A no
Vinny Gualano 20 77.16 75.35 78.96 93.25 yes
Elijah Hicks 18 79.45 75.45 83.45 62.14 yes
Bobby Hosie 33 62.13 56.53 67.73 N/A no
Mike Jasenovic 69 74.99 79.97 70 N/A yes
Jeremy Rooney 22 86.94 87.84 86.03 N/A yes
Michael Roy 7 69.13 75.18 63.08 84.78 no
Moses Spielman 21 70 70 70 N/A yes
Ashton Thibeault 8 88.59 93.34 83.84 N/A yes
Rob White 1 69.24 69.59 68.89 69.82 yes
Montreal Flag Football League
Division 1
Division 2
Division 3
Division 4
Division 5
Women's Division
Brossard Div 1
Brossard Div 2
Winter Div 1
Winter Div 2
Winter Div 3
Winter Women
Aces Flag Football