Face Off
793.21 Team overall rating 745.22
401.34 Team offensive rating 341.64
391.87 Team defensive rating 403.58
31.2 Points per game 22.6
14.4 Opponents points per game 24.0
70% Offensive efficiency 53%
50% Conversion rate 24%
0% Defensive efficiency 0%
180 Passing yards per game 169
13 Rushing yards per game 9
1.4 Defensive interceptions per game 1.2
0.4 Defensive sacks per game 1.2
Passing Yards
Jérémy Bastien
Cesar Garcia Diaz
Garcia Diaz
Receiving Yards
Jacob Pilon
David Su
David Quevillon
Charles Gauthier
Alexandre Massie
Charles Gauthier

Points per half

1st Half 2nd Half OT Total
Let Them Cook Let Them Cook 0 6 - 6
City Boys City Boys 13 20 - 33
Team Half Time Down Play Score
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 1st 14:17 1 Jérémy Bastien pass to Gabriel Guérette for 26 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 6 - 0
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 1st 2:56 2 Jérémy Bastien pass to David Quevillon for 9 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 12 - 0
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 1st 2:07 - Jérémy Bastien pass to David Quevillon for 5 yards - 1 POINT CONVERT SUCCESSFUL! 13 - 0
Team Half Time Down Play Score
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 2nd 20:20 1 Cesar Garcia Diaz pass to Sevastian Noel for 28 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 13 - 6
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 2nd 15:58 2 Jérémy Bastien pass to Gabriel Guérette for 21 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 19 - 6
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 2nd 15:05 - Jérémy Bastien pass to Mathew Eschbach for 5 yards - 1 POINT CONVERT SUCCESSFUL! 20 - 6
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 2nd 14:01 1 Cesar Garcia Diaz pass INTERCEPTED by Alexandre Massie - INTERCEPTION FOR TOUCHDOWN! 26 - 6
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 2nd 5:52 1 Jérémy Bastien pass to Médéric Allaire for 30 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 32 - 6
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 2nd 4:38 - Jérémy Bastien pass to Alexandre Massie for 5 yards - 1 POINT CONVERT SUCCESSFUL! 33 - 6

Points per half

1st Half 2nd Half OT Total
Let Them Cook Let Them Cook 0 6 - 6
City Boys City Boys 13 20 - 33
Team Half Time Down Play Score
City Boys 1st 21:00 1 Jérémy Bastien pass to Jacob Pilon for 29 yards tackle by Sevastian Noel - FIRST DOWN 0 - 0
City Boys 1st 20:50 1 Jérémy Bastien incomplete pass 0 - 0
City Boys 1st 20:28 2 Jérémy Bastien incomplete pass 0 - 0
City Boys 1st 19:54 3 Jérémy Bastien incomplete pass 0 - 0
City Boys 1st 19:18 4 Jérémy Bastien incomplete pass - TURNOVER ON DOWNS 0 - 0
Let Them Cook 1st 18:31 1 Cesar Garcia Diaz incomplete pass 0 - 0
Let Them Cook 1st 17:48 2 Cesar Garcia Diaz incomplete pass defended by Alexandre Massie 0 - 0
Let Them Cook 1st 17:03 3 Cesar Garcia Diaz incomplete pass defended by Jacob Pilon 0 - 0
Let Them Cook 1st 16:45 4 Let Them Cook - PUNT 0 - 0
City Boys 1st 16:18 1 Alexandre Massie: Rusher Interference for 2 yards 0 - 0
City Boys 1st 15:37 1 Jérémy Bastien pass to Médéric Allaire for 9 yards 0 - 0
City Boys 1st 15:00 2 Jérémy Bastien pass to Gabriel Guérette for 9 yards tackle by Eloi Morin-Pare - FIRST DOWN 0 - 0
City Boys 1st 14:17 1 Jérémy Bastien pass to Gabriel Guérette for 26 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 6 - 0
City Boys 1st 13:31 - City Boys - FAILED CONVERT 6 - 0
Let Them Cook 1st 12:44 1 Cesar Garcia Diaz pass to Marco Chavero for 5 yards tackle by Alexandre Massie 6 - 0
Let Them Cook 1st 12:05 2 Cesar Garcia Diaz pass to Marco Chavero for 6 yards tackle by David Quevillon - FIRST DOWN 6 - 0
Let Them Cook 1st 11:20 1 Eloi Morin-Pare: False Start for 5 yards 6 - 0
Let Them Cook 1st 11:01 1 Cesar Garcia Diaz pass to Sevastian Noel for 9 yards tackle by Mathew Eschbach 6 - 0
Let Them Cook 1st 10:21 2 Cesar Garcia Diaz incomplete pass 6 - 0
Let Them Cook 1st 9:44 3 Cesar Garcia Diaz incomplete pass defended by Mathew Eschbach 6 - 0
Let Them Cook 1st 9:01 4 Cesar Garcia Diaz pass to Charles Gauthier for 7 yards tackle by Alexandre Massie - FIRST DOWN 6 - 0
Let Them Cook 1st 8:19 1 Cesar Garcia Diaz pass to Sevastian Noel for 5 yards tackle by David Quevillon 6 - 0
Let Them Cook 1st 7:27 2 Cesar Garcia Diaz pass INTERCEPTED by Gabriel Guérette 6 - 0
City Boys 1st 6:40 1 Jérémy Bastien incomplete pass defended by David Su 6 - 0
City Boys 1st 6:01 2 Jérémy Bastien pass to David Quevillon for 14 yards tackle by Sevastian Noel - FIRST DOWN 6 - 0
City Boys 1st 4:50 1 Jérémy Bastien incomplete pass 6 - 0
City Boys 1st 4:17 2 Jérémy Bastien pass to Gabriel Guérette for 10 yards tackle by Marco Chavero - FIRST DOWN 6 - 0
City Boys 1st 3:40 1 Jérémy Bastien run for 4 yards tackle by David Su 6 - 0
City Boys 1st 2:56 2 Jérémy Bastien pass to David Quevillon for 9 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 12 - 0
City Boys 1st 2:07 - Jérémy Bastien pass to David Quevillon for 5 yards - 1 POINT CONVERT SUCCESSFUL! 13 - 0
Let Them Cook 1st 1:14 1 Cesar Garcia Diaz pass to Eloi Morin-Pare for 7 yards tackle by David Quevillon 13 - 0
Let Them Cook 1st 0:30 2 Cesar Garcia Diaz pass to Marco Chavero for 7 yards tackle by Mathew Eschbach - FIRST DOWN 13 - 0
Let Them Cook 1st 0:00 1 Cesar Garcia Diaz pass to Eloi Morin-Pare for 5 yards tackle by David Quevillon 13 - 0
Let Them Cook 1st 0:00 2 Cesar Garcia Diaz pass to Sevastian Noel for 12 yards tackle by Gabriel Guérette - FIRST DOWN 13 - 0
Let Them Cook 1st 0:00 1 Cesar Garcia Diaz pass to Sevastian Noel for 3 yards tackle by David Quevillon 13 - 0
Let Them Cook 1st 0:00 2 Cesar Garcia Diaz incomplete pass defended by Alexandre Massie 13 - 0
Let Them Cook 1st 0:00 3 Cesar Garcia Diaz incomplete pass defended by Alexandre Massie 13 - 0
Let Them Cook 1st 0:00 4 Cesar Garcia Diaz incomplete pass defended by Mathew Eschbach - TURNOVER ON DOWNS 13 - 0
Let Them Cook 2nd 21:54 1 Cesar Garcia Diaz pass to Marco Chavero for 5 yards tackle by Jérémy Bastien 13 - 0
Let Them Cook 2nd 21:08 2 Cesar Garcia Diaz pass to Charles Gauthier for 12 yards tackle by Jacob Pilon - FIRST DOWN 13 - 0
Let Them Cook 2nd 20:20 1 Cesar Garcia Diaz pass to Sevastian Noel for 28 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 13 - 6
Let Them Cook 2nd 19:21 - Let Them Cook - FAILED CONVERT 13 - 6
City Boys 2nd 18:37 1 Jérémy Bastien pass to Gabriel Guérette for 7 yards tackle by Marco Chavero 13 - 6
City Boys 2nd 18:01 2 Jérémy Bastien incomplete pass defended by Sevastian Noel 13 - 6
City Boys 2nd 17:16 3 Jérémy Bastien pass to Alexandre Massie for 9 yards tackle by Sevastian Noel - FIRST DOWN 13 - 6
City Boys 2nd 16:35 1 Jacob Pilon run for 8 yards tackle by Charles Gauthier 13 - 6
City Boys 2nd 15:58 2 Jérémy Bastien pass to Gabriel Guérette for 21 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 19 - 6
City Boys 2nd 15:05 - Jérémy Bastien pass to Mathew Eschbach for 5 yards - 1 POINT CONVERT SUCCESSFUL! 20 - 6
Let Them Cook 2nd 14:01 1 Cesar Garcia Diaz pass INTERCEPTED by Alexandre Massie - INTERCEPTION FOR TOUCHDOWN! 26 - 6
City Boys 2nd 13:29 - City Boys - FAILED CONVERT 26 - 6
Let Them Cook 2nd 12:41 1 Cesar Garcia Diaz pass to Sevastian Noel for 19 yards tackle by Jérémy Bastien - FIRST DOWN 26 - 6
Let Them Cook 2nd 11:24 1 Cesar Garcia Diaz pass to Roxane Rashidian for 7 yards tackle by Jérémy Bastien 26 - 6
Let Them Cook 2nd 11:24 2 Cesar Garcia Diaz pass to Roxane Rashidian for 8 yards tackle by Jérémy Bastien - FIRST DOWN 26 - 6
Let Them Cook 2nd 10:46 1 Cesar Garcia Diaz pass to Sevastian Noel for 6 yards tackle by Jacob Pilon 26 - 6
Let Them Cook 2nd 9:51 2 Cesar Garcia Diaz: Illegal Run for 5 yards 26 - 6
Let Them Cook 2nd 9:07 3 Cesar Garcia Diaz incomplete pass defended by Mathew Eschbach 26 - 6
Let Them Cook 2nd 8:22 4 Cesar Garcia Diaz incomplete pass - TURNOVER ON DOWNS 26 - 6
City Boys 2nd 7:19 1 Jérémy Bastien incomplete pass 26 - 6
City Boys 2nd 6:34 2 Jérémy Bastien pass to Médéric Allaire for 11 yards tackle by Charles Gauthier - FIRST DOWN 26 - 6
City Boys 2nd 5:52 1 Jérémy Bastien pass to Médéric Allaire for 30 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 32 - 6
City Boys 2nd 4:38 - Jérémy Bastien pass to Alexandre Massie for 5 yards - 1 POINT CONVERT SUCCESSFUL! 33 - 6
Let Them Cook 2nd 3:52 1 Cesar Garcia Diaz pass to Charles Gauthier for 5 yards tackle by Jérémy Bastien 33 - 6
Let Them Cook 2nd 3:07 2 Cesar Garcia Diaz run for 11 yards - FIRST DOWN 33 - 6
Let Them Cook 2nd 2:22 1 Cesar Garcia Diaz pass to Sevastian Noel for 7 yards 33 - 6
Let Them Cook 2nd 1:24 2 Cesar Garcia Diaz incomplete pass 33 - 6
Let Them Cook 2nd 0:55 3 Cesar Garcia Diaz pass to David Su for 7 yards tackle by David Quevillon - FIRST DOWN 33 - 6
Let Them Cook 2nd 0:04 1 Cesar Garcia Diaz pass INTERCEPTED by Jacob Pilon 33 - 6


Jérémy Bastien 12/20 184 4 0 15.33


Cesar Garcia Diaz 20/34 170 1 3 8.50


Name REC YDS AVG TD 1pt 2pt
Gabriel Guérette 5 73 14.60 2 0 0
Médéric Allaire 3 50 16.67 1 0 0
Jacob Pilon 1 29 29.00 0 0 0
David Quevillon 2 23 11.50 1 1 0
Alexandre Massie 1 9 9.00 0 1 0


Name REC YDS AVG TD 1pt 2pt
Sebastian Noel 8 89 11.12 1 0 0
Charles Gauthier 3 24 8.00 0 0 0
Marco Chavero 4 23 5.75 0 0 0
Roxane Rashidian 2 15 7.50 0 0 0
Eloi Morin-Pare 2 12 6.00 0 0 0
David Su 1 7 7.00 0 0 0


Jacob Pilon 1 8 8.00 0 0
Jérémy Bastien 1 4 4.00 0 0


Cesar Garcia Diaz 1 11 11.00 0 0


David Quevillon 6 0 0 0
Jérémy Bastien 5 0 0 0
Alexandre Massie 2 0 1 1
Jacob Pilon 2 0 1 0
Mathew Eschbach 2 0 0 0
Gabriel Guérette 1 0 1 0


Sebastian Noel 3 0 0 0
Marco Chavero 2 0 0 0
Charles Gauthier 2 0 0 0
Eloi Morin-Pare 1 0 0 0
David Su 1 0 0 0


City Boys

Team rating: 793.21
Team offensive rating: 401.34
Team defensive rating: 391.87
Name Number Overall rating Offensive rating Defensive rating Quarterback rating Attending?
Médéric Allaire 14 59.04 56.26 61.81 N/A yes
Jérémy Bastien 16 45.23 40 50.46 74.47 yes
Cédric Bastien 51 60 60 60 N/A no
Mathew Eschbach N/A 60 60 60 N/A yes
Gabriel Guérette 1 76.03 83.22 68.84 N/A yes
Alexandre Massie 17 64.32 53.56 75.07 N/A yes
Jacob Pilon 15 74.55 73.83 75.27 N/A yes
David Quevillon 19 51.17 51.45 50.88 N/A yes

Let Them Cook

Team rating: 745.22
Team offensive rating: 341.64
Team defensive rating: 403.58
Name Number Overall rating Offensive rating Defensive rating Quarterback rating Attending?
Marco Chavero 4 73.28 81.98 64.58 N/A yes
Omar Chavez 87 60 60 60 N/A no
Cesar Garcia Diaz 14 78.74 78.22 79.26 N/A yes
Charles Gauthier 7 60 60 60 N/A yes
Jeffrey Lefebvre N/A 65 65 65 N/A no
Eloi Morin-Pare 5 60 60 60 N/A yes
Sebastian Noel 13 60 60 60 N/A yes
Roxane Rashidian 11 60 60 60 N/A yes
David Su 97 79.7 79.66 79.74 N/A yes
Tony Vo 21 60 60 60 N/A no
Montreal Flag Football League
Division 1
Division 2
Division 3
Division 4
Division 5
Women's Division
Brossard Div 1
Brossard Div 2
Winter Div 1
Winter Div 2
Winter Div 3
Winter Women
Aces Flag Football