Face Off
865.74 Team overall rating 949.54
447.76 Team offensive rating 477.19
417.98 Team defensive rating 472.35
0 Points per game 10.7
0 Opponents points per game 32.7
63% Offensive efficiency 25%
44% Conversion rate 20%
0% Defensive efficiency 0%
192 Passing yards per game 171
16 Rushing yards per game 3
0.5 Defensive interceptions per game 0.3
0.2 Defensive sacks per game 0.3
Passing Yards
David Brisson
Receiving Yards
Eric Schiocchet
Meïs Ngarane
Eric Schiocchet

Points per half

1st Half 2nd Half OT Total
Double Dippers Double Dippers 16 21 - 37
The Practice Squad The Practice Squad 14 22 - 36
Team Half Time Down Play Score
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 1st 11:01 3 Simon Duchesne pass to Alexandre Szalipszki for 12 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 0 - 6
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 1st 10:36 - Simon Duchesne pass to Jean-Félix Daloze for 10 yards - 2 POINT CONVERT SUCCESSFUL! 0 - 8
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 1st 6:51 4 David Mather pass to Owen Lawton for 13 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 6 - 8
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 1st 3:02 2 Simon Duchesne pass to Jean-Félix Daloze for 34 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 6 - 14
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 1st 2:06 - Simon Duchesne pass to Alexandre Szalipszki for 10 yards - 2 POINT CONVERT SUCCESSFUL! 6 - 16
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 1st 0:00 1 David Mather pass to Mike Apa for 18 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 12 - 16
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 1st 0:00 - David Mather pass to Owen Lawton for 6 yards - 2 POINT CONVERT SUCCESSFUL! 14 - 16
Team Half Time Down Play Score
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 2nd 18:16 2 David Mather run for 7 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 20 - 16
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 2nd 10:23 4 Simon Duchesne pass to Richard Perez for 4 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 20 - 22
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 2nd 8:34 - Simon Duchesne pass to Alexandre Szalipszki for 6 yards - 2 POINT CONVERT SUCCESSFUL! 20 - 24
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 2nd 5:31 3 David Mather pass to Mike Apa for 15 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 26 - 24
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 2nd 4:40 - David Mather pass to James Van Aelst for 10 yards - 2 POINT CONVERT SUCCESSFUL! 28 - 24
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 2nd 3:09 2 Simon Duchesne pass to Alexandre Szalipszki for 45 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 28 - 30
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 2nd 0:00 1 David Mather pass to Marcus Labropoulos for 6 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 34 - 30
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 2nd 0:00 - David Mather pass to Owen Lawton for 10 yards - 2 POINT CONVERT SUCCESSFUL! 36 - 30
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 2nd 0:00 1 Simon Duchesne pass to Jean-Félix Daloze for 20 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 36 - 36
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 2nd 0:00 - Simon Duchesne pass to Alexandre Szalipszki for 5 yards - 1 POINT CONVERT SUCCESSFUL! 36 - 37

Points per half

1st Half 2nd Half OT Total
Double Dippers Double Dippers 16 21 - 37
The Practice Squad The Practice Squad 14 22 - 36
Team Half Time Down Play Score
The Practice Squad 1st 20:44 1 David Mather pass to Marcus Labropoulos for 5 yards tackle by Simon Duchesne 0 - 0
The Practice Squad 1st 20:08 2 David Mather incomplete pass 0 - 0
The Practice Squad 1st 19:28 3 David Mather SACKED by Adrien Latinis for -8 yards 0 - 0
The Practice Squad 1st 18:45 4 Most Improved Players - PUNT 0 - 0
Double Dippers 1st 18:17 1 Simon Duchesne incomplete pass 0 - 0
Double Dippers 1st 17:43 2 Simon Duchesne pass to Eric Schiocchet for 10 yards tackle by Mike Apa - FIRST DOWN 0 - 0
Double Dippers 1st 17:08 1 Simon Duchesne incomplete pass 0 - 0
Double Dippers 1st 16:31 2 Simon Duchesne incomplete pass 0 - 0
Double Dippers 1st 15:50 3 Simon Duchesne incomplete pass 0 - 0
Double Dippers 1st 15:11 4 Simon Duchesne pass to Jean-Félix Daloze for 10 yards - FIRST DOWN 0 - 0
Double Dippers 1st 14:24 1 Simon Duchesne incomplete pass 0 - 0
Double Dippers 1st 13:14 2 Jason Draicchio: Roughing the Passer for 10 yards - FIRST DOWN 0 - 0
Double Dippers 1st 12:48 1 Simon Duchesne incomplete pass 0 - 0
Double Dippers 1st 12:07 2 Simon Duchesne incomplete pass 0 - 0
Double Dippers 1st 11:01 3 Simon Duchesne pass to Alexandre Szalipszki for 12 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 0 - 6
Double Dippers 1st 10:36 - Simon Duchesne pass to Jean-Félix Daloze for 10 yards - 2 POINT CONVERT SUCCESSFUL! 0 - 8
The Practice Squad 1st 9:28 1 David Mather run for 32 yards - FIRST DOWN 0 - 8
The Practice Squad 1st 8:40 1 David Mather incomplete pass 0 - 8
The Practice Squad 1st 8:07 2 David Mather incomplete pass 0 - 8
The Practice Squad 1st 7:25 3 David Mather incomplete pass 0 - 8
The Practice Squad 1st 6:51 4 David Mather pass to Owen Lawton for 13 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 6 - 8
The Practice Squad 1st 5:53 - Most Improved Players - FAILED CONVERT 6 - 8
Double Dippers 1st 4:54 1 Simon Duchesne pass to Richard Perez for 3 yards 6 - 8
Double Dippers 1st 4:18 2 Simon Duchesne pass to Alexandre Szalipszki for 8 yards tackle by James Van Aelst - FIRST DOWN 6 - 8
Double Dippers 1st 3:43 1 Simon Duchesne incomplete pass 6 - 8
Double Dippers 1st 3:02 2 Simon Duchesne pass to Jean-Félix Daloze for 34 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 6 - 14
Double Dippers 1st 2:06 - Simon Duchesne pass to Alexandre Szalipszki for 10 yards - 2 POINT CONVERT SUCCESSFUL! 6 - 16
The Practice Squad 1st 1:24 1 David Mather run for 3 yards 6 - 16
The Practice Squad 1st 0:39 2 David Mather pass to Mike Apa for 19 yards - FIRST DOWN 6 - 16
The Practice Squad 1st 0:00 1 David Mather pass to Mike Apa for 18 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 12 - 16
The Practice Squad 1st 0:00 - Adrien Latinis: Roughing the Passer for 10 yards 12 - 16
The Practice Squad 1st 0:00 - David Mather pass to Owen Lawton for 6 yards - 2 POINT CONVERT SUCCESSFUL! 14 - 16
Double Dippers 1st 0:00 1 Simon Duchesne pass to Jean-Félix Daloze for 25 yards tackle by Owen Lawton - FIRST DOWN 14 - 16
Double Dippers 1st 0:00 1 Simon Duchesne incomplete pass 14 - 16
Double Dippers 1st 0:00 2 Simon Duchesne incomplete pass 14 - 16
Double Dippers 1st 0:00 3 Simon Duchesne incomplete pass defended by Marcus Labropoulos 14 - 16
Double Dippers 2nd 21:42 1 Simon Duchesne pass to Jean-Félix Daloze for 1 yards 14 - 16
Double Dippers 2nd 21:12 2 Simon Duchesne pass to Alexandre Szalipszki for 8 yards tackle by Jonathan Lewis 14 - 16
Double Dippers 2nd 20:29 3 Simon Duchesne incomplete pass 14 - 16
Double Dippers 2nd 19:30 4 Simon Duchesne pass to Jean-Félix Daloze for 0 yards tackle by Marcus Labropoulos - TURNOVER ON DOWNS 14 - 16
The Practice Squad 2nd 18:53 1 David Mather pass to James Van Aelst for 8 yards 14 - 16
The Practice Squad 2nd 18:16 2 David Mather run for 7 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 20 - 16
The Practice Squad 2nd 17:16 - Most Improved Players - FAILED CONVERT 20 - 16
Double Dippers 2nd 16:33 1 Simon Duchesne pass to Adrien Latinis for 8 yards 20 - 16
Double Dippers 2nd 16:02 2 Simon Duchesne pass to Jean-Félix Daloze for 8 yards - FIRST DOWN 20 - 16
Double Dippers 2nd 15:21 1 Simon Duchesne incomplete pass 20 - 16
Double Dippers 2nd 14:42 2 Simon Duchesne incomplete pass 20 - 16
Double Dippers 2nd 13:56 3 Simon Duchesne incomplete pass 20 - 16
Double Dippers 2nd 13:07 4 Simon Duchesne pass to Alexandre Szalipszki for 15 yards tackle by Mike Apa - FIRST DOWN 20 - 16
Double Dippers 2nd 12:23 1 Simon Duchesne pass to Alexandre Szalipszki for 3 yards 20 - 16
Double Dippers 2nd 11:42 2 Simon Duchesne pass to Jean-Félix Daloze for 6 yards tackle by Mike Apa 20 - 16
Double Dippers 2nd 10:59 3 Simon Duchesne incomplete pass 20 - 16
Double Dippers 2nd 10:23 4 Simon Duchesne pass to Richard Perez for 4 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 20 - 22
Double Dippers 2nd 9:19 - Matt Van Aelst: Illegal Contact for 5 yards 20 - 22
Double Dippers 2nd 8:34 - Simon Duchesne pass to Alexandre Szalipszki for 6 yards - 2 POINT CONVERT SUCCESSFUL! 20 - 24
The Practice Squad 2nd 7:49 1 David Mather pass to Marcus Labropoulos for 24 yards - FIRST DOWN 20 - 24
The Practice Squad 2nd 6:58 1 David Mather pass to Marcus Labropoulos for 5 yards 20 - 24
The Practice Squad 2nd 6:23 2 David Mather incomplete pass 20 - 24
The Practice Squad 2nd 5:31 3 David Mather pass to Mike Apa for 15 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 26 - 24
The Practice Squad 2nd 4:40 - David Mather pass to James Van Aelst for 10 yards - 2 POINT CONVERT SUCCESSFUL! 28 - 24
Double Dippers 2nd 3:46 1 Simon Duchesne incomplete pass 28 - 24
Double Dippers 2nd 3:09 2 Simon Duchesne pass to Alexandre Szalipszki for 45 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 28 - 30
Double Dippers 2nd 2:17 - Double Dippers - FAILED CONVERT 28 - 30
The Practice Squad 2nd 1:33 1 David Mather incomplete pass 28 - 30
The Practice Squad 2nd 1:07 2 David Mather run for 10 yards - FIRST DOWN 28 - 30
The Practice Squad 2nd 0:34 1 David Mather incomplete pass 28 - 30
The Practice Squad 2nd 0:00 2 David Mather pass to Matt Van Aelst for 30 yards tackle by Jean-Félix Daloze - FIRST DOWN 28 - 30
The Practice Squad 2nd 0:00 1 Mike Apa: Rusher Interference for 5 yards 28 - 30
The Practice Squad 2nd 0:00 1 David Mather pass to Marcus Labropoulos for 6 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 34 - 30
The Practice Squad 2nd 0:00 - David Mather pass to Owen Lawton for 10 yards - 2 POINT CONVERT SUCCESSFUL! 36 - 30
Double Dippers 2nd 0:00 1 Simon Duchesne incomplete pass 36 - 30
Double Dippers 2nd 0:00 2 Simon Duchesne pass to Alexandre Szalipszki for 25 yards - FIRST DOWN 36 - 30
Double Dippers 2nd 0:00 1 Simon Duchesne pass to Jean-Félix Daloze for 20 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 36 - 36
Double Dippers 2nd 0:00 - Simon Duchesne pass to Alexandre Szalipszki for 5 yards - 1 POINT CONVERT SUCCESSFUL! 36 - 37


David Mather 10/17 143 4 0 14.30


Simon Duchesne 19/37 245 5 0 12.89


Name REC YDS AVG TD 1pt 2pt
Mike Apa 3 52 17.33 2 0 0
Marcus Labropoulos 4 40 10.00 1 0 0
Matt Van Aelst 1 30 30.00 0 0 0
Owen Lawton 1 13 13.00 1 0 2
James Van Aelst 1 8 8.00 0 0 1


Name REC YDS AVG TD 1pt 2pt
Alexandre Szalipszki 7 116 16.57 2 1 2
Jean-Félix Daloze 8 104 13.00 2 0 1
Eric Schiocchet 1 10 10.00 0 0 0
Adrien Latinis 1 8 8.00 0 0 0
Richard Perez 2 7 3.50 1 0 0


David Mather 5 44 8.80 1 0




Mike Apa 3 0 0 0
Marcus Labropoulos 1 0 0 0
Owen Lawton 1 0 0 0
Jonathan Lewis 1 0 0 0
James Van Aelst 1 0 0 0


Adrien Latinis 1 1 0 0
Jean-Félix Daloze 1 0 0 0
Simon Duchesne 1 0 0 0


The Practice Squad

Team rating: 865.74
Team offensive rating: 447.76
Team defensive rating: 417.98
Name Number Overall rating Offensive rating Defensive rating Quarterback rating Attending?
Mike Apa 4 71.07 75.99 66.15 N/A yes
Giancarlo Brullo N/A 70 70 70 N/A no
Jason Draicchio 85 70 70 70 N/A yes
Jordan Farray N/A 70 70 70 N/A no
Marcus Labropoulos 1 70 70 70 N/A yes
Owen Lawton 2 70 70 70 N/A yes
Jonathan Lewis N/A 70 70 70 N/A yes
David Mather 5 56.39 55 57.78 78.92 yes
James Van Aelst 9 70.27 79.12 61.41 N/A yes
Matt Van Aelst 10 72.78 73.73 71.83 N/A yes
Mack Wilson N/A 70 70 70 N/A no

Double Dippers

Team rating: 949.54
Team offensive rating: 477.19
Team defensive rating: 472.35
Name Number Overall rating Offensive rating Defensive rating Quarterback rating Attending?
Manuel Allard-Roy 84 89.53 88.9 90.15 N/A no
Simon Blais 13 71.34 74.6 68.07 91.04 no
Jean-Félix Daloze N/A 88.34 85.6 91.07 67.32 yes
Simon Duchesne N/A 84.4 84.08 84.72 85.71 yes
Simon Dumas 25 81.69 78.97 84.4 55.38 no
Marco Gavita 16 70 70 70 N/A no
Adrien Latinis 14 70 70 70 N/A yes
Richard Perez 11 70 70 70 N/A yes
Nicolas Poitevin 8 78.37 76.18 80.56 41.93 no
Eric Schiocchet 9 79.98 85.82 74.13 N/A yes
Alexandre Szalipszki 2 81.25 80.06 82.43 74.7 yes
Montreal Flag Football League
Division 1
Division 2
Division 3
Division 4
Division 5
Women's Division
Brossard Div 1
Brossard Div 2
Winter Div 1
Winter Div 2
Winter Div 3
Winter Women
Aces Flag Football