Face Off
859.97 Team overall rating 798.36
422.52 Team offensive rating 404.33
437.45 Team defensive rating 394.03
27.8 Points per game 31.2
20.6 Opponents points per game 14.4
63% Offensive efficiency 70%
30% Conversion rate 50%
0% Defensive efficiency 0%
156 Passing yards per game 180
38 Rushing yards per game 13
1.4 Defensive interceptions per game 1.4
0.4 Defensive sacks per game 0.4
Passing Yards
Jason McAleer
Jérémy Bastien
Receiving Yards
Conner McAleer
Jacob Pilon
Alexandre Szalipszki
David Quevillon
Conner McAleer
Alexandre Massie

Points per half

1st Half 2nd Half OT Total
City Boys City Boys 12 13 - 26
CIA Fusion CIA Fusion 12 13 - 25
Team Half Time Down Play Score
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 1st 11:42 3 Jérémy Bastien pass to Médéric Allaire for 30 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 0 - 6
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 1st 5:56 3 Jon Evans pass to Alexandre Szalipszki for 6 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 6 - 6
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 1st 0:00 1 Jérémy Bastien pass to Jacob Pilon for 1 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 6 - 12
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 1st 0:00 1 Jon Evans pass to Conner McAleer for 20 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 12 - 12
Team Half Time Down Play Score
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 2nd 18:20 3 Jérémy Bastien pass to Gabriel Guérette for 3 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 12 - 18
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 2nd 17:33 - Jérémy Bastien pass to David Quevillon for 5 yards - 1 POINT CONVERT SUCCESSFUL! 12 - 19
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 2nd 12:13 3 Jon Evans pass to Simon Provencher for 6 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 18 - 19
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 2nd 11:25 - Jon Evans pass to Simon Provencher for 5 yards - 1 POINT CONVERT SUCCESSFUL! 19 - 19
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 2nd 9:35 2 Jérémy Bastien pass to Jacob Pilon for 42 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 19 - 25
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 2nd 0:00 4 Jon Evans pass to Jason McAleer for 4 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 25 - 25
Team Half Time Down Play Score
{$scoringAction->correctActionTeam->name}} 0nd OT - Jérémy Bastien pass to Gabriel Guérette for 5 yards - 1 POINT CONVERT SUCCESSFUL! 25 - 26

Points per half

1st Half 2nd Half OT Total
City Boys City Boys 12 13 - 26
CIA Fusion CIA Fusion 12 13 - 25
Team Half Time Down Play Score
CIA Fusion 1st 19:46 1 Jon Evans incomplete pass 0 - 0
CIA Fusion 1st 19:03 2 Jon Evans pass to Conner McAleer for 2 yards tackle by Alexandre Massie 0 - 0
CIA Fusion 1st 18:36 3 Alexandre Massie: Illegal Contact for 5 yards - FIRST DOWN 0 - 0
CIA Fusion 1st 18:02 1 Jon Evans pass to Conner McAleer for 17 yards tackle by Alexandre Massie - FIRST DOWN 0 - 0
CIA Fusion 1st 17:26 1 Jon Evans incomplete pass 0 - 0
CIA Fusion 1st 16:38 2 Jon Evans SACKED by Médéric Allaire for -5 yards 0 - 0
CIA Fusion 1st 15:20 3 Jon Evans pass to Jenna Araujo for 10 yards 0 - 0
CIA Fusion 1st 14:54 4 Jon Evans incomplete pass defended by Jacob Pilon - TURNOVER ON DOWNS 0 - 0
City Boys 1st 14:07 1 Médéric Allaire run for 1 yards tackle by Simon Provencher 0 - 0
City Boys 1st 13:31 2 Jérémy Bastien incomplete pass 0 - 0
City Boys 1st 11:42 3 Jérémy Bastien pass to Médéric Allaire for 30 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 0 - 6
City Boys 1st 11:34 - City Boys - FAILED CONVERT 0 - 6
CIA Fusion 1st 11:08 1 Jon Evans pass to Jenna Araujo for 8 yards tackle by Frederic Page 0 - 6
CIA Fusion 1st 10:24 2 Jon Evans pass to Simon Provencher for 11 yards tackle by Gabriel Guérette - FIRST DOWN 0 - 6
CIA Fusion 1st 9:41 1 Conner McAleer SACKED by Frederic Page for 0 yards 0 - 6
CIA Fusion 1st 9:18 2 Jon Evans incomplete pass 0 - 6
CIA Fusion 1st 8:28 3 Jon Evans pass to Jenna Araujo for 18 yards tackle by Jacob Pilon - FIRST DOWN 0 - 6
CIA Fusion 1st 7:31 1 Jon Evans incomplete pass 0 - 6
CIA Fusion 1st 6:52 2 Alexandre Szalipszki MUFFED SNAP 0 - 6
CIA Fusion 1st 5:56 3 Jon Evans pass to Alexandre Szalipszki for 6 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 6 - 6
CIA Fusion 1st 4:54 - CIA Fusion - FAILED CONVERT 6 - 6
City Boys 1st 4:02 1 Jérémy Bastien pass to Jacob Pilon for 15 yards tackle by Conner McAleer - FIRST DOWN 6 - 6
City Boys 1st 3:08 1 Jérémy Bastien pass to Gabriel Guérette for 11 yards tackle by Conner McAleer - FIRST DOWN 6 - 6
City Boys 1st 2:30 1 Jérémy Bastien pass to Frederic Page for 5 yards tackle by Conner McAleer 6 - 6
City Boys 1st 1:46 2 Jérémy Bastien: Illegal Forward Pass for 5 yards 6 - 6
City Boys 1st 1:00 3 Jérémy Bastien pass to Alexandre Massie for 6 yards tackle by Jon Evans 6 - 6
City Boys 1st 0:00 4 Simon Provencher: Offside for 3 yards 6 - 6
City Boys 1st 0:00 4 Jérémy Bastien pass to Alexandre Massie for 2 yards tackle by Jon Evans - FIRST DOWN 6 - 6
City Boys 1st 0:00 1 Jérémy Bastien pass to Jacob Pilon for 1 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 6 - 12
City Boys 1st 0:00 - City Boys - FAILED CONVERT 6 - 12
CIA Fusion 1st 0:00 1 Jon Evans pass to Alexandre Szalipszki for 25 yards tackle by David Quevillon - FIRST DOWN 6 - 12
CIA Fusion 1st 0:00 1 Jon Evans pass to Conner McAleer for 20 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 12 - 12
CIA Fusion 1st 0:00 - CIA Fusion - FAILED CONVERT 12 - 12
City Boys 2nd 20:26 1 Jérémy Bastien pass to Jacob Pilon for 31 yards - FIRST DOWN 12 - 12
City Boys 2nd 19:24 1 Gabriel Guérette run for 3 yards tackle by Jason McAleer 12 - 12
City Boys 2nd 18:50 2 Jérémy Bastien pass to David Quevillon for 6 yards tackle by Alexandre Szalipszki 12 - 12
City Boys 2nd 18:20 3 Jérémy Bastien pass to Gabriel Guérette for 3 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 12 - 18
City Boys 2nd 17:33 - Jérémy Bastien pass to David Quevillon for 5 yards - 1 POINT CONVERT SUCCESSFUL! 12 - 19
CIA Fusion 2nd 16:38 1 Jon Evans pass to Alexandre Szalipszki for 4 yards tackle by Gabriel Guérette 12 - 19
CIA Fusion 2nd 15:47 2 Jon Evans pass to Simon Provencher for 14 yards tackle by Gabriel Guérette - FIRST DOWN 12 - 19
CIA Fusion 2nd 14:58 1 Jon Evans run for 10 yards tackle by Frederic Page - FIRST DOWN 12 - 19
CIA Fusion 2nd 14:43 1 Frederic Page: Holding for 5 yards - FIRST DOWN 12 - 19
CIA Fusion 2nd 13:56 1 Jon Evans incomplete pass 12 - 19
CIA Fusion 2nd 13:07 2 Jon Evans pass to Conner McAleer for 2 yards tackle by Frederic Page 12 - 19
CIA Fusion 2nd 12:13 3 Jon Evans pass to Simon Provencher for 6 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 18 - 19
CIA Fusion 2nd 11:25 - Jon Evans pass to Simon Provencher for 5 yards - 1 POINT CONVERT SUCCESSFUL! 19 - 19
City Boys 2nd 10:30 1 Médéric Allaire run for 3 yards tackle by Jenna Araujo 19 - 19
City Boys 2nd 9:35 2 Jérémy Bastien pass to Jacob Pilon for 42 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 19 - 25
City Boys 2nd 9:03 - City Boys - FAILED CONVERT 19 - 25
CIA Fusion 2nd 7:50 1 Jon Evans pass to Alexandre Szalipszki for 3 yards tackle by Gabriel Guérette 19 - 25
CIA Fusion 2nd 7:31 2 Gabriel Guérette: Illegal Contact for 5 yards - FIRST DOWN 19 - 25
CIA Fusion 2nd 7:09 1 Jon Evans run for 4 yards tackle by Frederic Page 19 - 25
CIA Fusion 2nd 6:17 2 Jon Evans pass to Alexandre Szalipszki for 4 yards tackle by Alexandre Massie 19 - 25
CIA Fusion 2nd 5:33 3 Jon Evans pass to Simon Provencher for 7 yards tackle by David Quevillon - FIRST DOWN 19 - 25
CIA Fusion 2nd 4:12 1 Médéric Allaire: Roughing the Passer for 10 yards - FIRST DOWN 19 - 25
CIA Fusion 2nd 2:46 1 Jon Evans pass to Alexandre Szalipszki for 6 yards tackle by David Quevillon 19 - 25
CIA Fusion 2nd 2:36 2 Jon Evans incomplete pass 19 - 25
CIA Fusion 2nd 2:14 3 Jon Evans incomplete pass 19 - 25
CIA Fusion 2nd 0:00 4 Jon Evans pass to Jason McAleer for 4 yards - TOUCHDOWN! 25 - 25
CIA Fusion 2nd 0:00 - CIA Fusion - FAILED CONVERT 25 - 25
City Boys 2nd 0:00 1 Jérémy Bastien pass to Frederic Page for 3 yards tackle by Jason McAleer 25 - 25
City Boys 2nd 0:00 2 Jérémy Bastien incomplete pass 25 - 25
City Boys 2nd 0:00 3 Jacob Pilon: False Start for 3 yards 25 - 25
City Boys 2nd 0:00 3 Jérémy Bastien pass to Gabriel Guérette for 25 yards tackle by Alexandre Szalipszki - FIRST DOWN 25 - 25
City Boys 2nd 0:00 1 Simon Provencher: Roughing the Passer for 10 yards - FIRST DOWN 25 - 25
City Boys 2nd 0:00 1 Jérémy Bastien incomplete pass 25 - 25
City Boys 2nd 0:00 2 Jérémy Bastien incomplete pass 25 - 25
City Boys 0nd OT - Jérémy Bastien pass to Gabriel Guérette for 5 yards - 1 POINT CONVERT SUCCESSFUL! 25 - 26
CIA Fusion 0nd OT - CIA Fusion - FAILED CONVERT 25 - 26


Jon Evans 18/26 167 4 0 9.28


Jérémy Bastien 13/17 180 4 0 13.85


Name REC YDS AVG TD 1pt 2pt
Alexandre Szalipszki 6 48 8.00 1 0 0
Conner McAleer 4 41 10.25 1 0 0
Simon Provencher 4 38 9.50 1 1 0
Jenna Araujo 3 36 12.00 0 0 0
Jason McAleer 1 4 4.00 1 0 0


Name REC YDS AVG TD 1pt 2pt
Jacob Pilon 4 89 22.25 2 0 0
Gabriel Guérette 3 39 13.00 1 1 0
Médéric Allaire 1 30 30.00 1 0 0
Alexandre Massie 2 8 4.00 0 0 0
Frederic Page 2 8 4.00 0 0 0
David Quevillon 1 6 6.00 0 1 0


Jon Evans 3 9 3.00 0 0


Médéric Allaire 2 4 2.00 0 0
Gabriel Guérette 1 3 3.00 0 0


Conner McAleer 3 0 0 0
Jon Evans 2 0 0 0
Jason McAleer 2 0 0 0
Alexandre Szalipszki 2 0 0 0
Jenna Araujo 1 0 0 0
Simon Provencher 1 0 0 0


Frederic Page 5 1 0 0
Gabriel Guérette 4 0 0 0
Alexandre Massie 3 0 0 0
David Quevillon 3 0 0 0
Médéric Allaire 1 1 0 0
Jacob Pilon 1 0 0 0


CIA Fusion

Team rating: 859.97
Team offensive rating: 422.52
Team defensive rating: 437.45
Name Number Overall rating Offensive rating Defensive rating Quarterback rating Attending?
Jenna Araujo N/A 61.46 57.92 65 N/A yes
Barbara Donais 16 45.59 49.59 41.58 N/A no
Jon Evans 6 74.88 77.81 71.94 71.38 yes
Kayla Gauthier 11 65.49 67.02 63.95 54.38 no
Jason McAleer 8 69.24 66.27 72.2 67.23 yes
Conner McAleer 18 70.27 72.67 67.87 N/A yes
Nicolas Nadan 12 66.55 59.73 73.37 N/A no
Simon Provencher N/A 72.42 66.83 78.01 N/A yes
Gregory Spino 2 61.57 60.67 62.47 N/A no
Alexandre Szalipszki 5 81.25 80.06 82.43 74.7 yes
Preslav Todorov 13 61.98 55 68.95 N/A no

City Boys

Team rating: 798.36
Team offensive rating: 404.33
Team defensive rating: 394.03
Name Number Overall rating Offensive rating Defensive rating Quarterback rating Attending?
Médéric Allaire 8 59.04 56.26 61.81 N/A yes
Jérémy Bastien 4 45.23 40 50.46 74.47 yes
Gabriel Guérette 1 76.03 83.22 68.84 N/A yes
Alexandre Massie 7 64.32 53.56 75.07 N/A yes
Frederic Page 2 62.58 62.99 62.16 N/A yes
Jacob Pilon 11 74.55 73.83 75.27 N/A yes
David Quevillon 12 51.17 51.45 50.88 N/A yes
Montreal Flag Football League
Division 1
Division 2
Division 3
Division 4
Division 5
Women's Division
Brossard Div 1
Brossard Div 2
Winter Div 1
Winter Div 2
Winter Div 3
Winter Women
Aces Flag Football